Sorry: I can’t write out ‘truth to power’ with a straight face when it comes to Joe Biden. Anyway… “Sen. Tom Cotton challenged Vice President Joe Biden’s criticism of the GOP’s letter to Iran, questioning his foreign policy expertise…. “Joe Biden, as [President] Barack Obama’s own secretary of defense has said, has been wrong about nearly every foreign policy and national security decision in the last 40 years,” the Arkansas Republican said Tuesday on MSNBC.”
Tom Cotton went on to note that if Joe Biden loves the Senate so much then he should have told the President point-blank to stop trying to squeeze Congress out of the treaty-making process. Left unsaid, apparently, was the (to me, at least) commonplace observation that since Barack Obama keeps claiming that he doesn’t know about anything until it hits the papers then Sen. Cotton had pretty much no choice but to advise the President in a format that President Obama would at least find familiar. Also left unsaid: Vice President Biden should probably start remembering that the Senate is increasingly a place filled with people who are contemptuous of him, and rightly so. We went to quite some trouble to replace Mark Pryor with Tom Cotton, after all… Continue reading Senator Tom Cotton (R, AR) speaks truth to Biden on foreign policy.