#rsrh Let me do a (rare, at least for me) fisk of the Washington Post.

I normally don’t do this sort of thing, but what the heck.

So.  Biden thinks that he’s been helpful!  The WaPo lists the ways.

In nearly four years as vice president, Biden has been the chief monitor of the economic recovery efforts, coordinating federal projects with mayors and governors.

What economic recovery? Continue reading #rsrh Let me do a (rare, at least for me) fisk of the Washington Post.

Ryan/Biden debate: two word clouds, a YouTube video, and some idle speculation.

Via the Foundry comes these two word clouds of yesterday’s debate:

…and here’s an interesting game to play: quick, which one is which? Continue reading Ryan/Biden debate: two word clouds, a YouTube video, and some idle speculation.

#rsrh Barack Obama’s tepid reaction to Joe Biden’s debate performance.

Yeah, I’m thinking Barack Obama didn’t really think that Joe Biden saved the re-election campaign last night:

Continue reading #rsrh Barack Obama’s tepid reaction to Joe Biden’s debate performance.

My take on the debate.

Short version: if they were planning to get Joe Biden to save the campaign, well, they need a Plan C.  It was not an exercise in applied brutality like last week’s debate; but I seem to remember that Joe Biden wasn’t this much of an asshole when he was debating Sarah Palin.  That seems to have cost him among CNN’s undecided voters, who were generally meh towards the man.

One note: undecideds did react favorably to Biden on abortion.  Keep that in mind.

Anyway… won’t move the needle on its own, which means that the GOP won on points.  Ryan came across as knowing what the hell he was talking about, which is precisely the last thing that Joe Biden wanted to have happen.  Forward!

#rsrh So, Biden’s avoided taking questions since May.

I suspect that ABC has its own suspicions as to why.

When Vice President Joe Biden steps on the stage at Centre College for the Vice Presidential debate in Kentucky Thursday night, it will be the first time the vice president has been on national television airwaves answering questions from a reporter since the May Meet the Press interview when he expressed his comfort with gay marriage.

The vice president has engaged in no national TV interviews and few local and print interviews since that May questioning session which forced President Obama to complete his evolution on the issue sooner than expected.

…Personally, I am not as sanguine about the VP debate as some people on my side are.  Unlike Obama, many people actually personally like Joe Biden; he could undo a lot of the damage that Obama did to the Democrats.  Still…

Continue reading #rsrh So, Biden’s avoided taking questions since May.

Welcome to the new Media paradigm, Mister Gibbs.

It’s one where you get interrupted when you try to spin the stupid things that your candidates say.

For those without video, it shows: George Stephanopoulos (!) playing a clip of Joe Biden’s infamous ‘buried’ gaffe*; asking Robert Gibbs whether gaffes like this will hurt the Vice President in his upcoming debate with Paul Ryan**; and stopping Gibbs cold when Gibbs tried to claim that Biden was talking about the last eight years*** when Biden clearly said four.  Pure entertainment, in other words: oh, I’m sure that there were plenty of softballs and whatnot.  It’s Stephanopoulos, after all.  But perhaps the Media is figuring out that smacking the Democrats around a bit promises to be good for the ratings… Continue reading Welcome to the new Media paradigm, Mister Gibbs.

#rsrh Breaking from Mother Jones: Paul Ryans wants USA to emulate… Delaware.

I do not think that this will have the impact that Mother Jones thinks that it will.

For those without video, it shows Paul Ryan calmly noting that a) it makes sense to have a pro-commerce and pro-business atmosphere in the United States that will make people from other countries want to park their money in our bank and b) you can raise revenue without raising taxes by growing the economy.  While I understand that Mother Jones is almost violently opposed to pro-business and anti-taxation ideas, they are somewhat hampered by the minor detail that Paul Ryan’s next debate opponent is going to be Joe Biden, former Senator from Delaware.  Watching Biden trying to explain why it’s all right for Delaware to deliberately and unashamedly pursue business-friendly policies, but not all right for the USA to ramp up to do the same on the international scale, would be hysterical – but not as much as the Left’s reaction.  They still haven’t recovered from the beatdown that Romney gave Obama, you see.

Via AoSHQ and Riehl World View.

Joe Biden touts the fiscally progressive ideals of his Delaware homeland.

…Wait.  What?

While I understand that it’s absolutely fascinating to watch Joe Biden campaign on the unique message Let’s have a trillion dollar tax hike!

BIDEN: “On top of the trillions of dollars of spending that we have already cut, we’re gonna ask – yes – we’re gonna ask the wealthy to pay more. My heart breaks, come on man. You know the phrase they always use? Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes we do in one regard. We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn’t have to bear the burden of all that money going to the super wealthy. That’s not a tax raise, that’s called fairness where I come from.”

Continue reading Joe Biden touts the fiscally progressive ideals of his Delaware homeland.

So, how badly did Joe Biden Open His Mouth with the “Buried Middle Class” comments?

“The middle class has been BURIED! …The last four years.”

Well, the RNC put out an ad about it…


…but the real sign of the Oopsie?

Yup. T-shirts.

Moe Lane

PS: No, I don’t see a dime of that T-shirt money. And yet I’m flogging ’em anyway. Wow, I must really want Romney to win.

#rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, Reading is Fundamental edition.

Now he’s just messing with the rest of us.

What clown-squared thought that this clown should be a heartbeat away from the Presidency? Oh, right, the current President.