I enjoyed the choice of music for this particular Kickstarter video. For those who don’t know Shaenon Garrity and Jeffrey Wells’ Skin Horse, it’s about… one of the more interesting federal agencies in the American shadow government. Put it this way: I liked this particular strip so much I bought the original art for my wife’s wall. And this one for my wall. So check it out.
Tag: kickstarter
Kickstarter and Call of Cthulhu: a Cautionary Tale.
If you’re into crowdfunding and using places like Kickstarter to fund your favorite geekstuff, you’ll want to read this mildly gruesome tale about how Chaosium almost imploded over a successful Kickstart of their Seventh Edition rule set for Call of Cthulhu. Short version: take underestimated international shipping costs and mix it with bad management, flavor to taste with extravagant promises, and then serve it up with a poor choice of corporate HQ (seriously, San Francisco is too expensive to HQ your gaming company). The company only survived because the new management loved Chaosium enough to spend the money needed to save it; great for Chaosium (seriously), but you can’t count on it for your smaller shops.
Via @jefftidball, who sardonically notes that this is why Atlas Games is charging so much for shipping Unknown Armies. Which is what you have to do, these days. Especially if you’re shipping overseas. There’s a reason why the British gaming companies try to maintain a publishing presence over here, and vice versa.
David Morgan-Mar’s Irregular Webcomic Kickstarter is only 800 bucks away…
…with 31 hours to go. As I’ve said before, he’s a good dude. I’ve tossed in [- in fact, I just upped it a little]. Won’t you?
Irregular Webcomic’s @dmmaus is a man of good character, known to me. Back his Kickstarter.
David Morgan-Mar is a web-cartoonist (Irregular Webcomic, Darths and Droids) who is doing a Kickstarter to fund his first book of Irregular Webcomic; he is a Good Fellow who I remember from the Before Times. Please note that because he is Australian, the Kickstarter is priced in Australian dollars. It’s considerably less in American money.
Via @prayerborne
Please force @CUnderkoffler to have to write for Unknown Armies.
The Unknown Armies Kickstarter is so close to being able to force him to do that.
So, so close. Just five hundred bucks more.
…Annnnd the Unknown Armies Third Edition Kickstarter.
THIS one I knew about, starting yesterday. THIS one I knew I wanted, no question. THIS one I logged on to back. Unknown Armies is an amazing game that never generates enough content to satisfy me. I can’t wait to get these books.
A last-minute note: KULT: Divinity Horror RPG Kickstarter’s final hours.
I somehow missed this for the last month: they’re coming out with a new edition of the old-school RPG KULT. You have less than half a day to back it, not that it needs it. Really, I have no idea how I missed this…
The OLO Smartphone 3D Printer Kickstarter.
I’m not kicking in, because I don’t need a 3D Printer that can print small things using your smartphone and it’s a little expensive for indulge myself. But this is pretty cool technology, don’t you think? Materials science keeps on going on.
The ‘The City of Lightning: a Girl Genius Graphic Novel’ Kickstarter.
Interesting question: do I want the medal, or do I want the book? I maybe want the medal more than the book, for once. Which is weird, I know. Not very like me.
John Wick sings in response to getting to One. MILLION. Dollars. in the 7th Sea Kickstarter.
These are the ways of my people.
But still a few days to go.