A collection of African-themed fairy tales in comic form, drawn by a variety of webcomic artists.
Continue reading Last-minute Kickstarter: “Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tales: Africa Edition.”
A collection of African-themed fairy tales in comic form, drawn by a variety of webcomic artists.
Continue reading Last-minute Kickstarter: “Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tales: Africa Edition.”
Not to noodge, but I would like the wallpaper for this.
I also have a 100% success rate on picking Kickstarters to date, which doesn’t really mean anything but it sounds good. Also: the guy hit his shipping timelines last time? I bought the D&D one (actually, CoC) and I am very happy with it. It looms over the craft room. Still sometimes startles my wife.
I’d like to have this as an alternate wallpaper.
Not that I’m nagging, or anything.
I was torn on this one.
You see, as most of you remember I participated in the “Dogs Playing D&D” KS; which made getting this print problematical. It’s getting harder to find blank wall space, frankly: and, lets face it, this style is a little kitschy. On the other hand, I wanted to highlight it, because it’s kitschy AND cool. And on the gripping hand… I don’t like recommending Kickstarters that I’m not contributing to.
So I shelled out five bucks for a digital print. There. Problem solved.
I finally broke down.
I suspect that I may end up with a small collection of SF-related challenge coins. They’re kind of insidious.
…if one suspects that a Kickstarter total is being manipulated at the last minute in order to get it to fund? I mean, I want the final product, and I have no proof that there are shenanigans going on. Still, other people may not be as utilitarian about the results as I am.
Moe Lane
PS: I’m not saying which one, and I’m not going to confirm and/or deny any guesses, either.
It’s an online game, sort of: honestly, I mostly care that Alan Dean Foster is writing for it.
Not that any of you actually care, but I have a good score on picking Kickstarters that get funded. As in, perfect*. This one I’m hoping won’t spoil my record…
Moe Lane
*Admittedly, I often come late to the party.
It is difficult to articulate just how old this Kickstarter makes me feel.
Continue reading The Tales From The Floating Vagabond, Second Edition Kickstarter.
Don’t randomly look at Kickstarter projects that are Ending Soon. You may end up being mildly appalled, slightly melancholy, and moderately wistful. All at the same time.
It’s a superhero novel; I have tossed in because C.J. Carella has written some pretty good GURPS 3E stuff, including GURPS War Against the Chtorr and GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War. Worth a shot, I’d say.
Moe Lane
PS: I’m not going to pretend that the KS video wasn’t slightly cheesy.