In the Mail: Leagues of Cthulhu (Ubiquity Roleplaying System).

And I’m confused as to why I got it. Don’t get me wrong, Leagues of Cthulhu is a very pretty book that was written by somebody who knows the Cthulhu Mythos pretty well, including the stuff that Lovecraft drew on for his own work. But you need Leagues of Adventure and Leagues of Gothic Horror to play it, and while you might think that I would already have those two Victorian steampunk adventure and gothic horror RPGs on my bookshelves already this was not actually the case. I can only assume that somebody gushed about the Kickstarter, and I failed to Save versus Shiny.  Like you do.

Still, it’s a nice little book.


The ‘Leagues of Cthulhu’ Kickstarter.

Two things to note about the ‘Leagues of Cthulhu‘ Kickstarter:

  1. It’s set in Victorian England and has a worldwide focus, making it of interest to folks who want to do adventures outside of the usual Call of Cthulhu time periods:
  2. It’s also British, which means that the exchange rate is off the hook right now.

Seriously, assuming that the British pound doesn’t rebound in the next two weeks it’s like we’re all back in 1989. Or in a cyberpunk campaign! Picking which currency to use was a thing sometimes in that genre, too. Then again, so were interface jacks…

Continue reading The ‘Leagues of Cthulhu’ Kickstarter.