Potheads versus Greenies!

…No, really. Apparently growing the marijuana isn’t carbon neutral, or whatever the heck the theological term is. Fair warning: the link may be to Power Line, but it leads right from there to Mother Jones. Which is apparently on the other side of the War on Some Drugs, now.  Just goes to show: never trust anybody over thirty.


Moe Lane

PS: The commenters over at Mother Jones are having none of this, by the way.  It’s making for strangely compelling reading.


(Via Hot Air Headlines) In the course of an otherwise generic NYT Op-Ed bemoaning how the USA’s two-party system is just a touch more resilient than our self-appointed media elite would like it to be, Charles Blow comes up with this observation (bolding mine):

The party that wins the White House generally loses Congressional seats in the midterm, but this Democratic-controlled government has particular issues. Its agenda has been hamstrung by a perfect storm of politics: the Republicans’ surprisingly effective obstructionist strategy, a Democratic caucus riddled with conservative sympathizers and a president encircled by crises and crippled by caution.

Well. The Democratic faithful can’t do anything about us awful, awful, Republican obstructionists; and they certainly can’t do anything about this crippled* President. I guess that leaves getting rid of the Democratic conservatives lurking about. Burn them out! Burn them out! BURN THEM OUT!

Hey, just trying to be helpful.

Moe Lane

*Blow’s word, not mine.

Crossposted to RedState.

Traficant’s back!

He’s tanned (not really), toupee’d, and ready to… why, he’s ready to do anything at all for OH-17, really.


BOARDMAN, Ohio — Seven years in prison doesn’t appear to have changed former U.S. Rep. James Traficant’s style whatsoever, and the 1,200 supporters who gathered at a Boardman banquet hall Sunday afternoon loved him for it.

“I was a quarterback. I was a congressman. Now I’m a convict,” Traficant said, his signature toupee firmly back atop his head. “I wouldn’t change one single thing. And to the powerful enemies that I have, I’ll just say this to you: They had to cheat to convict me.”

The crowd roared. After 15 minutes of remarks, hundreds swarmed the make-shift stage to shake his hand or ask for an autograph.

Continue reading Traficant’s back!