The Malakite [GURPS In Nomine 4e]

Malakite – Google Docs

Race: Malakite of War (Angel)

Attributes [260]: ST 14 [40], DX 14 [80], IQ 15 [100], HT 14 [40]

Basic Lift 39, Damage 1d/2d, Basic Speed 7

Social Background: TL: 8 [0], Cultural Familiarities: Western, Languages: English (Native) [6]; French (Native) [6].

Advantages [506]: Alternate Form (Celestial Form) [87]*, Alternate Identity (Legal) [5], Appearance (Attractive) [4], Cannot Fall [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Damage Resistance (3) [15], Danger Sense (No Roll Required) [25], Detect (Celestial Disturbance) (Common) [20], Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10], Doesn’t Sleep [20], Essence Control (9) [24], Immune to Trauma [20], Non-Reciprocal Damage [30], Power Investiture (Celestial) (3) [30], Power Investiture (Corporeal) (3) [30], Power Investiture (Ethereal) (3) [30], Regeneration (Slow: 1HP/12Hr) [10], Resistant (Disease) (Occasional) (Immunity) [10], Rites (2) [4]**, Symphonic Knowledge (Honor) [30], Temperature Tolerance (10) [10], Trained By A Master [30], Unaging (Can still appear to age) [15], Very Fit (Doesn’t Fatigue) [15] Continue reading The Malakite [GURPS In Nomine 4e]