Marco Rubio shows us how to troll the Washington Post.

You do gotta feel sorry for the WaPo: they’ve been chasing the macaca for pretty much a decade by now. Why Bezos hasn’t arranged for an intervention is beyond me. Maybe he knew that he was buying a junkie paper that needed a fix, man?

Anyway, via Mediate.

Watch this Republican politician school this atheist! …Nicely, mind you, because Jesus was watching.

The amazing thing about this video?  The guy who put this up thought that it would help spread the word for atheism.

Continue reading Watch this Republican politician school this atheist! …Nicely, mind you, because Jesus was watching.

I’m a little surprised that @JeffBezos tolerates racism at the Washington Post.

This is, in a word, nasty.

You’ll note that I skipped the gif, because it depicts two children with Hispanic ancestry as monkeys, and unlike Ann Telnaes I don’t want to subject my readers to anything that nasty. You can look it up on Twitchy. Anyway, Marco Rubio’s response works for me:

Note, by the way, that the Washington Post was the institution that turned ‘macaca’ into a Holy Crusade. I wonder if any of them over there understand the irony? Or irony at all, really?

Quote of the Day, The Dynamics Of This Primary Race Are Always Fascinating edition.

Allahpundit, on Jeb Bush’s current strategy – and latest argument against Marco Rubio:

If that analogy is true, that Rubio is Obama and Bush is Hillary, it … doesn’t bode well for Jeb given how 2008 turned out for Clinton. The last time a national electorate was given a choice between a charismatic untested young pol who’s great in front of an audience and a more experienced pol whose main credential was her last name, with both in agreement on 99 percent of policy, they opted for the more dynamic candidate. Jeb’s theory is that Republicans, having learned a lesson from the Hopenchange disaster, will choose more wisely than Democrats did. But I don’t know. There are worse insults in politics than being compared to a guy who crushed the other party twice in winning the presidency.

Not taking sides – and I wouldn’t quite call 2012 us being ‘crushed;’ our down-ticket losses were frankly minimal – but… nope, still not taking sides. I will note that Wednesday’s debate should prove to be a lively time. Certainly it won’t be one of the snoozefests that the Democrats keep promising, then grimly delivering…

Quote of the Day, Actually, The VRWC Has An OPINION On Eminent Domain edition.

For example, ‘Kelo’ is practically a swear word for us.  Taking land for public use is bad enough, albeit explicitly permitted by the Constitution; taking land and giving it to a real estate developer is downright odious.  It’s not the biggest conservative/libertarian issue out there, but it’s definitely one that most people involved in the VRWC have an opinion on.

I bring all of this up because Hot Air had Senator Marco Rubio over to do a guest column*:

Though it may not make headlines as often as other issues, the fundamental right to private property has been under assault for years through our government’s abuses of eminent domain. Eminent domain is the authority vested in government to force the sale of private property. While this authority can be a necessary evil in rare cases related to public development, such as the building of crucial infrastructure, its modern use far exceeds this limitation. Today, it is often wielded by crony capitalist politicians to benefit wealthy and powerful private developers.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Actually, The VRWC Has An OPINION On Eminent Domain edition.



…Seriously, New York Times? Seriously? Does that paper even look at the material that American Bridge sends them, these days? Continue reading BEHOLD! THE MAJESTIC… AH, MAJESTY OF THE RUBIO BOAT!!!!!

Tweet of the Day, I Wonder Whether Marco Rubio Is Self-Leaking This Stuff, Too edition.

Because stories like this won’t hurt him.

I mean, wow. Marco Rubio took some of the money that he got from a book deal and bought himself a boat. Does anybody in the New York Times actually talk to anybody outside of their cozy little epistemic closure bubble? …I mean, aside from people at Politico, of course.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, New York Times: $14 million net loss for the last operating quarter, I believe? Since we’re keeping track, and everything.

NYT’s @arappeport & @steveeder obediently vomit up American Bridge Lefty oppo.

I know that RedState has already covered the remarkably weak-tea ‘revelation’ that the Rubio family racked up some traffic violations, but it’s an even more tawdry-to-Democrats story that we thought.  As in… amazing what you can write when you get fed a story, you know what I mean?

The New York Times Friday report that Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and his wife Jeanette have been cited 17 times for traffic violations was written after the citations were pulled by liberal opposition research firm American Bridge, according to Miami-Dade County court records.

Records show that each of the citations mentioned by the New York Times were pulled in person by American Bridge operatives on May 26, 2015.

Continue reading NYT’s @arappeport & @steveeder obediently vomit up American Bridge Lefty oppo.