Marvel’s gaze across its intellectual property field falls upon Richard Rider’s Nova.

I admit: I only dimly remember this comic.  Then again, I also only dimly remembered Star-Lord, which didn’t stop Marvel Comics from giggling like a loon as all the lovely money came pouring in. So get ready for the next Great Harvesting Of The Back Issues:

Writer and director James Gunn is not only returning to direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and executive producing Avengers: Infinity War, but he’s also helping plan out the long-term future of the cosmic side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or at least, the next 10-20 years worth! And for you Nova fans out there, yes, he and Marvel Studios are indeed considering introducing the “real” Nova, Richard Rider.

Continue reading Marvel’s gaze across its intellectual property field falls upon Richard Rider’s Nova.

Avengers 4 shooting starts…

…and maybe, just maybe, they’re going to be able to pull all of this off: “Avengers 4 is set to be the culmination of every major plot thread over the course of 22 movies in 10 years for the MCU.” As that article notes, almost all of the core actors’ contracts are expiring, and they’re starting to show some signs of being ready to go do other movies. Plus, probably some of ’em are gonna die in Avengers: Infinity War. Not Spider-Man, of course, he’s safe: the studios will be using him for the next stage of the MCU. Why? Because Spider-Man Homecoming will bring in over three hundred million domestically and, more importantly, didn’t suck. So he’ll be the anchor for the next iteration. Continue reading Avengers 4 shooting starts…

Tweet of the Day, When Elves Go Bad edition.

Or, more accurately: When actors decide that they miss those sweet, sweet genre movie blockbuster paychecks.  Oh, don’t get me wrong: Hugo Weaving clearly had fun as the Red Skull (shame that they killed him off right away).  But the cash certainly helped.

Thor Ragnarok script? :giggle: :snort: :guffaw:

I, like GeekTyrant, am not entirely certain that I believe this story:

According to [Director Taika Waititi], 80 percent of Thor: Ragnarok was improvised, or ad-libbed.

“My style of working is I’ll often be behind the camera, or right next to the camera yelling words at people, like, ‘Say this, say this! Say it this way!'” he said. “I’ll straight-up give Anthony Hopkins a line reading. I don’t care.”

Continue reading Thor Ragnarok script? :giggle: :snort: :guffaw:

Milana Vayntrub cast as Squirrel Girl for New Warriors.

I… don’t have an opinion, actually. I don’t have any knowledge of Milana Vayntrub as an actress, so she might be good. She might be bad.  She doesn’t look much like Doreen from the comics, though:

So, *will* there be a Spider-Man (Homecoming) 3?

It’s an interesting question: apparently Tom Holland is under the impression that there’s going to be a trilogy of standalone Spider-Man movies.  Certainly there’s going to be a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming, because that’s already been agreed to. And Spider-man will be in Avengers: Infinity War, because that’s already been agreed to, too. But Holland was specifically talking about a third Spider-Man standalone, which has not been agreed to. As we all know by now, Spidey’s in the MCU as the result of some extremely intricate negotiations between two media conglomerates who both had something to gain by working together (Disney got to put Spider-Man in a flick, Sony got the same with regard to Iron Man, and probably some other MCU earners).  As that article notes, if they want to continue this, there’s got to be a new deal.

I suspect that there will be a new deal, actually. But that’s only if Spider-Man: Homecoming is a blockbuster. If it is, then sharing the toys is in everybody’s long-term business interests. Sony makes money off of Marvel intellectual properties in a way that doesn’t make them feel like they’re making the universe slightly worse, Disney gets access to Spider-Man merchandising revenue streams without having to be even a little bit illegal, oh, yeah, the fans get to see Spidey and Cap and Thor hang out, and everybody is happy.

If Spider-Man: Homecoming doesn’t tank. If it does, well, that’s why they call it an experiment. Just business, boychik.

So they’re doing a retro-snarky ANT-MAN on Disney XD

I love the colors and the aesthetic.  They wanted to get the old-school Marvel look, and I think they succeeded. I don’t mind the snark, given that Ant-Man was a movie that recognized the basic absurdity of its premise and decided to go have fun with it. This looks entertaining, but not particularly deep.  I like having that, every so often.

The ‘The Gifted’ TV trailer.

Definitely part of the X-Men universe: at one point somebody says that they don’t even know if the X-Men or the Brotherhood even exist anymore. …You and me both, friend. You and me both.

But The Gifted  might not be bad!  There’s often a disconnect between a studio’s movies and its television series. Just because Fox can’t consistently catch fire with its Marvel cinematic properties doesn’t mean that the TV shows will automatically suck.  I think. I hope. Let’s be optimistic about it.