“Sales Pitch for the Last Person on Earth” is all right, but not quite what I was looking for. I think that it’s safe to admit that. Sometimes, one’s reach exceeds one’s grasp. And I think that it’s important to be honest about this stuff.
“Sales Pitch for the Last Person on Earth” is all right, but not quite what I was looking for. I think that it’s safe to admit that. Sometimes, one’s reach exceeds one’s grasp. And I think that it’s important to be honest about this stuff.
‘Taking Up the Slack‘ is part of a larger concept. Alas, the basic conceit has not yet managed to get developed to the point where my wife is no longer wincing at it. Since she’s an engineer, her reaction is highly relevant in this particular case.
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I forget what I saw online that sparked “Big Blue Guy,” but from what I’ve heard this would be perfectly reasonable behavior for anybody who was stuck with sitting at a thesis defense. I do seem to remember that whatever it was that sparked this also pointed out that having multiple doctorates is only really respectable in the comic books. In real life it’s apparently usually seen more as demonstrating an inability to commit. …I’ll take their word for it.
So obvious, the mistake that was made in “The Night The Cat Didn’t Meow For Food.” So terribly, horribly obvious the mistake… well. Horrible for some.
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Why is it good that humanity wasn’t responsible in “Dodging a Bullet“? Could be any number of reasons! I can think of three! Maybe you can come up with more! After you sign up for my Patreon!
I’m sure that there’s a bigger story involving “Monster’s Bar:” I’m just worried that anything I tried to write about it would come across as utterly pretentious. You don’t want to read that. I don’t want to write that. The people who would buy it don’t pay enough per-word. So, basically, it’s all for the best.
The Great Wyrm of Philadelphia found in “Promises, Promises” is a character that I would rather like to work with more. I have yet to find a story that can serve as a proper frame of that character yet, though. But some day.
Why would the Secret Masters do what they did in “Honorable Retirement?” Well, why wouldn’t they do that? It’d cost them a piddling amount, really; and it rarely hurts to have a name for being an open-handed ring-giver. That’s the sort of long-term thinking that can really pay dividends.
I am perhaps addicted to having a zinger in the the final sentence. “Hungry for Hell ” does nothing to fight this. NOTHING!