Patreon Microfiction: “Dream Job.”

I forget what the triggering mechanism was for “Dream Job.” I assume that there was one, though. Certainly the idea that being technical staff for a group of two-fisted dimensional troublemakers could be adventure enough for any sane man or woman makes personal sense to me.  Especially when you consider that those guys are the first ones to get killed when the demon comes through the portal.

Patreon microfiction: ‘More for Us!’

More For Us!” asks the question that nobody else would: is it always bad when astral parasites gather to batten on your pain and suffering?  Admittedly, maybe it’s not the most obvious and rewarding question that nobody else has ever asked, but I gotta work with what I got. Besides, microfiction is a nicely flexible field for these sorts of self-contained literary concepts.

Patreon Microfiction: “Sentimental Value.”

Sentimental Value” is my paean to the notion that, even in our glorious transhumanist future, we’re probably going to have to deal with the little things in day to day life.  Also, that people who are in glorious transhumanist futures are probably not going to wander around all day breathlessly going “Hey! How about that Singularity, huh?” …OK, wait, some of them probably will.  Somebody always does.