Title chosen with malice aforethought. The OWS is not exactly known for liking the Gipper.
You gotta wonder whether Governor Moonbeam (known mundanely as Jerry Brown) is going to intervene in the current situation in Oakland. Short version: the city of Oakland is tired of the rat-infested squatting being done by the Occupiers, and wants them gone. Well, the city wants them to stop camping overnight. This is a fairly reasonable request, which means that I expect that the Occupiers are going to fight it, tooth and dirty nail. Possibly literally: you just don’t know how that crowd is going to react, once they realize that they’re spinning their wheels and the movement gets distilled down to the fanatics.
The reason that I wonder whether Gov. Brown is going to intervene is that he used to be the mayor of Oakland. And do you know how he dealt with rioters, back in the day? Continue reading Will Gov. Moonbeam have a Ronnie Raygun moment? #OWS