Because while people will continue to enjoy friendly arguments over whether or not DIE HARD is a Christmas movie, I feel it is indisputable that DIE HARD 2 is. They even had a cop tear up an airport parking ticket! Truly, it was a miracle of the season.
Tag: movie of the week
Movie of the Week: Hogfather.
Although Hogfather is more of a TV two-parter. Nonetheless, Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Christmas story is fun to see on the small screen. I may watch it tomorrow, once the presents are wrapped.
Moe Lane
Movie of the Week: THE INVISIBLE MAN.
So, my older kid tells me this evening he wants to see THE INVISIBLE MAN, and I’m going “Well, it’s on HBO Max, and maybe we can catch it when the Snyder Cut drops…” and he says, “No. The one from 1933.”
So proud*. Although I hear the new one’s actually pretty good. But it was clearly time to buy some of the classics. I also grabbed the DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN Blu-Ray collections, because they were half-off. OK, and the WOLF MAN, and I gotta stop now.
Moe Lane
*My younger kid went and brought in the groceries from the porch without being asked. Which is also a so proud situation.
Movie of the Week: DARKMAN.
Why Darkman? Well… never underestimate the power of a good oral history interview. Just saying, that’s all.
Movie of the Week: Emma.
Mostly because I am FINALLY making time to see this movie. I was ready to go see EMMA in theaters, and it’s been taunting me for the last few weeks. Tonight’s the night I finally stop mucking about and watch it.
Movie of the Week: POWER RANGERS.
No, really. My youngest kid got to pick for Movie Night, and he picked Power Rangers. It did not suck! It actually was pretty good. I mean, for something out of the five-buck bin. My kids enjoyed it, including the one too old for Power Rangers now.
Continue reading Movie of the Week: POWER RANGERS.Movie of the Week: THE VAST OF NIGHT.
The Vast of Night is free on Amazon Prime, but I’m putting it up anyway because it’s fun. 1950s New Mexico aesthetics, and I’m not gonna give away anything about the plot otherwise. Everything about it was fun, from the conceit at the start. But one of the other things I liked about THE VAST OF NIGHT was something that other reviewers noted: the movie doesn’t condescend to its setting. And it definitely doesn’t mock it, either.
Check it out.
Come, I will conceal nothing from you: ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES is actually available on Amazon Prime. You could watch it for free. I am watching it for free right now. But I’m tempted to get the DVD anyway. Because my God but it’s a glorious piece of crap.
Movie of the Week: “Die Hard.”
…Look, DIE HARD incorporates a bunch of Christmas stuff in the movie, OK? It just does. ‘NOW I HAVE A MACHINE GUN HO HO HO’ exists. They’re playing Christmas music all the time. McClain learns the true meaning of Christmas: saving your wife from a murderous European criminal gang. It counts.
Deal with it.
Continue reading Movie of the Week: “Die Hard.”Movie of the Week: Face/Off.
Why Face/Off? Because I wanted to watch it, it is inexplicably not in my movie collection*, and it’s, like, seven bucks on Amazon. I feel that this is more or less a no-brainer, right?
Moe Lane
*I have a surprisingly large collection, or at least I find it surprisingly large, these days. When I moved down from NJ I was living on my own for a year until we could get a house (and housemates); I had to do something with my evenings, so what I did was watch movies. Even after we did get the house I would still buy ’em; I used Damnation Decade as a handy reference point to really get into Seventies apocalypse/dystopian flicks, and it worked out. I have movies in those binders I never remember buying.