Book of the Week: Cthulhu 101.

Simply put: if you need a book to get you up to speed on the various aspects (and available materials) of the Cthulhu Mythos, Cthulhu 101 is the book for you.  There’s stuff in here that I didn’t know, and that will inform my buying/watching/reading habits for the next month or so as I get up to speed.  Plus, it’s funny enough that I don’t dare read it while my gut heals from the gallbladder surgery.  Ken Hite outdid himself with this one, in other words.

And so we say goodbye to Murder Mysteries.  But not forgotten.

Book of the Week: Murder Mysteries.

This  is perhaps a little… cheeky of me; but I’m in that kind of mood, honestly.  You see, I got told by a since-passed-the-sell-date-commenter that my little grit-in-the-Left’s-self-regard that was this post about Jane Yolen supposedly got the attention of Neil Gaiman himself*; so I think that it’s a perfect time to note that Murder Mysteries was a great graphic novel adaptation of Gaiman’s short story, which is of course one of the best stories about angels ever written. Then again, you know: Neil Gaiman.

And thus the circle closes.

In other words, Temporary Duty is signing off.

*Although I haven’t really confirmed that; you see, it’s apparently all on Facebook, and the only time I check that site these days is to find out whether they’ve fixed the lag for Dragon Age Legends.  Annnnnnnd…. no, they have not.  You’d think that they would; particularly since the problem seems mostly confined to Firefox users.

Book of the week: Unseen Academials (Discworld)

And so, we go from Neil Gaiman’s Coraline to Terry Pratchett’s Unseen Academicals. No, it’s not out yet. But it will be, in about a month – which should be enough lead time for me to be able to splurge on the hardcover.

Hey, it’s Pratchett.