So, now there’s *another* blood-from-teenagers start-up.

When I first read the story, I asked myself “Hey, didn’t this already happen and I wrote about it?”  And it turned out that I did, back in November.  But that was a company called Alkahest. These are an entirely different company of literal bloodsuckers:

It might sound like science fiction, or a recent episode of “Silicon Valley,” but a start-up called Ambrosia is charging $8,000 for blood transfusions from young people.

About 100 people have signed up to receive an infusion, founder Dr. Jesse Karmazin said Wednesday at the Code Conference.

Continue reading So, now there’s *another* blood-from-teenagers start-up.

This morning’s Nightmare Fuel provided courtesy of C-SPAN.

So I’m flipping through the radio while waiting for the Mickey Dee’s drive-through line to start moving, and there’s nothing on. So I say to myself, Hey, let’s put on C-SPAN.  They’re usually less behind the bleeding edge of the news.  So I turn it on… Continue reading This morning’s Nightmare Fuel provided courtesy of C-SPAN.

This is not a ‘quirk of art,’ MSNBC.


OK?  OK? Something very much like this showed up in Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity*.  Which is a roleplaying supplement for the game Call of Cthulhu.  Which is a game that explores mind-destroying cosmic horror, and the best way to futilely delay its inevitable final victory over our weak human concepts of ‘logic’ and ‘sanity.’  They put that in there to freak out the people playing the game, because it takes a lot to freak out your average Call of Cthulhu player, these days.


No, I don’t know why this freaked me out, either.  Maybe because I wasn’t expecting it.

Moe Lane

*Look it up.  Page 183.