I imagine that writing this may have almost caused Jeffrey Toobin physical pain:
If the Obama Administration loses in the Supreme Court, the political pain will fall almost exclusively on the President and his Party. To paraphrase Colin Powell and the Pottery Barn rule, President Obama will have broken health care, so he owns it. To the vast mass of Americans who follow politics casually or not at all, Obamacare and the American system of health care have become virtually synonymous. This may not be exactly right or fair, but it’s a reasonable perception on the part of most people. The scope of the Affordable Care Act is so vast, and its effects so pervasive, that there is scarcely a corner of health care, especially with regard to insurance, that is unaffected by it. So if millions lose insurance, they will hold it against Obamacare, and against Obama. Blaming the President in these circumstances may be unfair, but it’s the way American politics works.
Mind you, it’s not unfair at all. The President was given every opportunity to compromise with the Republican party on this issue, and in his arrogance and myopia President Barack Obama declined to do so. So… Obama purchased Obamacare on credit; or, if you like, he purchased it with his own credibility. It’s hardly the GOP’s fault if the man can no longer cover the charge.
Via Instapundit.com.