Tag: one week
‘One Week.’
‘One Week.’
‘One Week.’
It must be getting to be back-to-school time.
I’m starting to look at all the places that can be properly cleaned once they’re gone. Vacuuming the basement is the easy one. But there’s a corner-triangle where the TV touches the wall… it’s a frightening place there, let me tell you. A subtly frightening place.
One week. One week. ONE WEEK… sorry about that.
One more week. One more *freaking* week. Cannot *wait*.
My side is winning, and I cannot wait for it to be over. Of course, I saw somebody write off-handedly that the 2016 Presidential primary season will be starting in six months. Imagine my reaction…
…no, you won’t have to.
Yeah, it was like that.
‘One Week.’
One more week.
One more week, and they’re back in school. ALL DAY. Then maybe I can get this house clean.
Why yes, today WAS an exciting, drama-filled day! Why do you ask?
“One Week.”
In that zone.