Sweet monkey Jeebus: OOTS hits 1 million on Kickstarter.

Burlew, of course, celebrates it in the only appropriate way possible.

Seriously, at this stage of the game signing up for a pledge is a bargain, if you like the Order of the Stick webcomic: you end up with a LOT of original PDFs and goodies even at $10 or $25. Plus, the entire freaking book line has a guaranteed print line. It’s almost alarming.

Moe Lane

PS: Rich. Buy yourself a new computer. You can even buy one that supports Skyrim. Your readers won’t mind.

‘Mind Flayers.’

‘Why did it have to be mind flayers?’ See also here, here, and here. On the other hand, it was always nice to see one in Nethack; once you killed it, eating it would raise your Intelligence score a point. Of course, hopefully you had on a helmet that would keep it from eating your brain down to Intelligence 3 first.

Why, yes, that link does lead to a download that will likewise eat your brain through the wonders of text-based nostalgia. You want that to happen again? No? Then hit the tip jar for the travel fund, and maybe it won’t.

Moo hoo bwah hah.