Book of the Week: Master and Commander.

Why Master and Commander? Well, let me put it this way: not all men think of the Roman Empire all the time. Sometimes we think instead about April of 1805, when Napoleon was master of Europe. Only the British Navy stood before him. Oceans were now battlefields.

Admittedly, Patrick O’Brian started the series before that particular point, but you gotta start at the beginning.


Looking for something to read? (SM Stirling)

(Today’s writer: S.M. Stirling)

A lot of people love to hate this particular author – and, given his remarkable lack of suffer-fools-gladly, even by the standards of a genre where it’s practically a prerequisite for writing in it, it’s not entirely surprising – but it still remains true that Stirling’s a crackerjack writer. For this one, I’m just going to toss out a few authors & topics: if you’re already interested in any of them, check out the book associated with it.

That should get you started: fair warning; all of those are alternate history.  I’m fond of the genre, you understand.