Uncle Moe’s Pseudo-Thai Coconut-Pineapple Pork Chops.

I had to muck about with the base recipe a bit (I used pineapple and skipped most of the vegetables, really*), but the basic premise was sound: half-cook pan-fry the pork chops, pull them off the pan, fill it with the coconut milk and pineapple, let that cook down for a minute, then reintroduce the pork chops and braise ’em until they cook.  It turned out OK!  And it wasn’t too difficult or long to cook, either.

Moe Lane

*My wife’s apparently allergic to garlic now.  Yes, she wasn’t happy about that, either.

Need to spice up some boneless pork chops.

Since we’re all apparently in a cooking conversation sort of mood, anyway.  I was going to just do a little bit of an organized salt/pepper/fresh rosemary kind of rub, but I am open to suggestions. We’re going to be eating a lot of pork chops this week — buy one, get two free — so variety would be a good idea on general principles.

What the heck am I going to do with these boneless pork chops?

Aside from broiling them, or braising them in a mixture of olive/roasted pepper juice. The latter actually doesn’t sound too bad; but I’ve got two sets of boneless pork chops to cook, and obviously only one creative idea.

Suggestions (obviously) welcome. Assume that I have a mundane, but reasonably full, pantry.


Ah, Yankees fans (via @thebcast).

It’s not like Yankees fans are bad, or anything. There was no malice in that, and how could you expect one to resist the temptation of a pork chop? On a STICK? It’s just that events like these reinforce the rule of thumb about Yankees fans that you always need to have a qualified Yankee Fan Wrangler within line of sight of one. Yankees fans don’t mind, I’m sure: I expect that it’s a relief for them to know one’s there, really…

Moe Lane

PS: Well, yes, I was a Mets fan growing up. What does that have to do with anything?