Gotta start tinkering with what’s left, make it all fit. This book might end up being a little longer after all.
Tag: revisions
10/25/2022 Revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 74000/80000
Interestingly, that’s 74K words on the nose. It was 73,998 when I finished the section, so I added two more words where they’d do the most good. Just for the look of it, I guess.
Revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 72800/80000.
Ehh. Baronial meeting, D&D game, had to check out the youngest’s Halloween costume, had to check out the eldest’s Halloween costume, helped film the eldest’s Halloween home movie, did groceries – today was a busy day. I’m surprised I got in as many words as I did.
10/21/2022 Revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 71900/80000.
10/19/2022 Revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 70500/80000.
Getting more pieces fitted in. Also: we broke 70,000 words. Go me!
10/18/2022 Revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 69900/80000
I would have gotten more in, but I wrote two thousand other words today.
10/17/2022 Revisions, GHOST ON AN ALIEN WIND: 69200/80000.
Not as much as I wanted, but more than my usual daily.
10/15/2022 Revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 68400/80000.
There needed to be more disturbing peril. I mean, it’s a science fiction horror novel, right? Kind of implied.
10/14/22 Revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 67800/80000.
10/13/22 revisions, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND: 66900/80000.
Figured out who the cultists were!