So. Over/under on when Seth Moulton starts gay-baiting Richard Tisei in #ma06 race?

Look, we all know it’s going to happen. John Tierney could maybe avoid that because he’s been in office for so long and had the incumbency advantage. But Tierney will not be the Democratic nominee for MA-06:

Seth Moulton, a Harvard University graduate and Marine veteran, became the first Massachusetts Democrat in 22 years to oust a sitting congressman from his own party, edging aside embattled nine-term US Representative John F. Tierney.

The veteran North Shore congressman conceded shortly before 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, as Moulton maintained an 11 percentage point lead with 27 percent of the vote counted.

Moulton doesn’t have the incumbency option, he doesn’t have Tierney’s support network… and he also doesn’t have the cash. Politico notes: Continue reading So. Over/under on when Seth Moulton starts gay-baiting Richard Tisei in #ma06 race?

Democrats lack moral courage to deal with John Tierney (D, MA-06).

Roll Call probably should have expanded John Tierney’s money/campaign woes into its own post, but the details are still tantalizing: The Massachusetts Democrat has less money in the bank and has raised less money in the last three quarters than has GOP challenger Richard Tisei.  The reason why Tierney is floundering, of course, is because the embattled Congressman has a bit of an in-law problem.  As in, they keep getting convicted of felonies… and they keep insisting that Tierney was involved in said felonies, too. This has had an… effect on the race, in much the same way that ignoring the engine light going off can have an effect on your car’s performance; it’s going to get expensive eventually, but you just don’t know when.

Still, judging how this is going is complicated.  On the one hand, I think that Cook is being too generous to Tierney calling this one Lean Democratic, but then the polling is kind of sparse, and old.  On the other hand, local Democrats are trying to even now recruit an ‘independent’ (the deadline for getting into the Democratic primary has passed). And, on the gripping hand, as Roll Call also noted the DCCC is doubling down: “The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and House Majority PAC have reserved a combined $5.6 million in ad time in the Boston market. The market includes Tierney’s district but also covers two competitive races in New Hampshire.” Continue reading Democrats lack moral courage to deal with John Tierney (D, MA-06).

John Tierney (D, MA-06): Illegal Gambling Crook, or Pathetic Dupe?

John Tierney wants people to know that none of it is his fault. With ‘it’ being a wide-ranging noun:

Continue reading John Tierney (D, MA-06): Illegal Gambling Crook, or Pathetic Dupe?