This is not what you tell people when you’re trying to keep a loss from being a rout:
Understanding full well Obama’s unpopularity is a drag on some Democrats in tight congressional races, White House officials are signaling to party leaders and campaign managers alike there will be no consequences should they run away from the president in order to win.
This is what you tell people when you think that there’s going to be a rout, no matter what, but you want to maybe rebuild something from the shattered fragments afterwards. It’s also a tacit admission that you’re expecting this preemptive forgiveness to be largely if not almost completely an academic exercise anyway. If I was a more reckless man, that’d be grounds for a DOOM call right now.
Too late? WH officials telling top Senate campaigns there won’t be any retribution if they go after Obama
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) October 13, 2014
Oh, man. Gotta be some ugly internals out there. — John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) October 13, 2014
Moe Lane