Tweet of the Day, This Was My Morning edition.

They thought it was funny to not put a helpful “JUMP HERE” sign…

…for the latest Secret World Legends content.  Managed to miss the podium and instead jump into the abyss something like seven times.  Admittedly, it was funny.

Bonus poem at Patreon.

It was for the Secret World Legends poetry contest, which is why it may seem a bit obscure.  Still, I rather liked writing it.  PDF at the public Patreon.

Have you embraced and chased the Broadcast’s Lord?
A hiss of static truth, Presenting lore
Profoundly hid in math’s relentless chord,
Placed close to deaths; which warns what is in store.
You’ll search in graves, walk with the restless dead
Half-trapped between this clumsy world and next;
And when their numbers burn inside your head
Look then to get a sane man’s frantic text.
Long trip you’ll make, to vampire-haunted lands.
On Gaia’s quest you’ll be, to put down ghosts
Who picked unholy halls to make their stands;
Excise them all, confront their tattered host.
Extend this Age’s grasp, and end His reign.
No dead may rule. Not even at Samhain.

New missions (South Africa, Factions) coming for Secret World Legends.

Looks promising: another mission in South Africa — but, more importantly, the faction-specific missions are coming back.  It looks like they’re going to be repeatable, and will scale up based on level; that’s kind of nice.  My character one-shotted Cthulhu the other day, and it was kind of embarrassing.

Actually, now that I think about it the whole thing was a lot like this scene: Continue reading New missions (South Africa, Factions) coming for Secret World Legends.

My friend from Secret World Legends passed.

MadLyric was a good person and an excellent player; the Secret World community has always made it a point to be decent with each other and particularly the new folks, and Maddie was one of our touchstones for proper behavior.  I have never met her in person, but I was very fond of her.  My condolences and prayers for her husband, family, and loved ones.

@SecretWorldLgds announces a new contest for me to lose.

FunCom is calling the The MEGAversary Warped Songs Contest!

This contest will ask for submissions from you, the [Secret Worlds Legends] community, to take a popular song and warp it into something… wonderful! Or something funny and perhaps even hilarious! Take a well know song and subvert the lyrics to fit SWL and it’s theme, it could be anything… from “The Sounds of Violence”, to “Filth Bomb” or “Filth Pools in Kaidan”. It’s for YOU to come up with something that fits the overall melody and structure of a song and just WARP the Be-Gaiazeus out of it!

Continue reading @SecretWorldLgds announces a new contest for me to lose.

Secret World Legends’ Anniversary event starts Wednesday.

The current Tribal Cache* is going away, so if you wanted that zebra mount you better hurry up.  There’s going to be a special cache for players during the event, and after that they’re bringing back the Agarthan Cache. …And with that news comes a major collapse in the Secret World Legends commodities market.  People who didn’t sell their Agarthan Caches earlier are going to take a bath on ’em. Continue reading Secret World Legends’ Anniversary event starts Wednesday.