Secret World Legends announces anniversary event.

June 20th to July 11.

Continue reading Secret World Legends announces anniversary event.

Come read the story I used to lose the Secret World Legends writing contest!

It’s on Patreon (for free).  I kind of felt bad that ‘Downtime’ didn’t win, until I remembered that the story is about Secret World Legends crashing to desktop, only viewed from the inside and from the point of view of my character’s Agent minions.  Yeeeeeaaah I can see why FunCom might be a little leery about rewarding that one with a free T-shirt for my main character.

Still, I thought that it was all right for a 750-worder.

So, I finished up Dawn of the Morninglight. (Secret World Legends)

This is the first real story-driven content for Secret World Legends since they put up some Tokyo missions for The Secret World. Short version: you’ve gone to South Africa in order to infiltrate a popular and organized cult in a world where every conspiracy is real, and probably up to its waist in blood. You can imagine how messed up things can get.

The good: it’s definitely new content and there’s a good, solid adventure in there. The writing’s top-notch as always and the lore’s appropriately messed up.  FunCom has thought about how to handle players who are as ridiculously over-geared and extremely powerful as I am, and the game actually managed to kill me in combat once! I was impressed.  It’s a decent first chapter, in other words. I’m glad that we got it.

The bad: needs more action missions, needs more sabotage missions, needs needs needs more investigation missions.  We also need another couple of lairs, new dungeons (plus the dungeons that still haven’t ported over from TSW), and proper PvP.  The usual complaints, in other words.  All in all, though, if you’ve played SWL before this adventure won’t waste your time.  In fact, I want there to be more of it.

Some precious, spoiler-heavy details about Secret World Legends’ Season 2.

Spoilers at the link.

My major reaction to this is that I certainly hope that I don’t have to register my game with Steam to get the Special Edition (I am absolutely going to get the Special Edition to Season 2 of Secret World Legends). As for the story parts: it’s good enough. For a start. But there simply must be more lairs, dungeons, and investigation missions. The content must flow.

Well the Agent System for Secret World Legends was certainly very frustrating today.

I’m impressed with myself.  I didn’t type that out in all caps, or anything.  Or, rather, I deleted the all caps after typing it out.

Short version: the drop rate for the goodies sucks.  Which is fine, except that it also sucked if you’re obsessively grinding everything and doing three times as many Secret World Legends missions as usual. Like I was doing today. I was expecting… some kind of return on my time investment, you know what I mean?

Ach, well, they’ll fix it in the next day or so. Or somebody will figure out how to do a proper resource farm. That’s how it works in MMOs.

New content starting tomorrow on Secret World Legends.

The Agent System.

Continue reading New content starting tomorrow on Secret World Legends.

Kinda newish content coming for Secret World Legends.

The Agent System. It’s pretty grindy and it’s not Season 2.

Or the remaining Tokyo dungeons. Or real PvP.  But thematically it makes sense.  After all, currently my primary character has maxed out Secret World Legends, defeated at least one deity, is being blamed for the destruction of a city suburb, and has the Nassir’s Groove emote. Recruiting new agents and sending them out to run missions sounds like something that an Illuminati Secret Worlder would do.

But I still want the Tokyo Dungeons. Just multiply all the monster hit points by four, shove the boards out the door, and let the players figure out how to beat the dungeons.  Because they will.