Secret World Legends comes to Steam on 07/31/2017.

Secret World Legends is free-to-play, but you’ll want to subscribe. You’ll be able to play and win the game without spending a dime, mind you – but having a monthly membership gives enough benefits to be worth it, assuming of course that you like conspiracy-horror shared game with fiendishly complicated investigation missions and a cheerful willingness to throw everything into the mix.  And I do mean everything.

Here is the SWL fact sheet for navigating the Steam launch.  You may want to take a look at it.  The process might be a little… complicated.

So, been getting into Secret World Legends.

It certainly feels harder to get through the later boards now, but that may simply be because my old Secret World primary character was, by the end, a silent avatar of power who dispensed life with the left hand and death with the right*.  Which is to say: Assault Rifle/Elementalism leech healer with top-rank purple gear and two full ability wheels.  It may be a while before I’m back to that level of awesomeness.

Generally, I’d say that combat is easier, but I still do miss that ability wheel.  I also miss the auxiliary weapons, although that’s mostly for the cool factor.  Secret World Legends doesn’t feel any less friendly, though, which is probably the single most important thing to me at this point: I liked the community, I missed it, and while we’re still trying to get everything settled in the general attitude seems to have successfully transplanted itself.

So check it out. Free to play — and it seems to be reasonably free to play, too.  Although I’m not sure how it feels to people who don’t subscribe to the game. I have a lifetime membership grandfathered in, so I’m maybe not a really reliable judge here.

Moe Lane

*I’m left-handed.

Secret World Legends is up! …IF you already had an account.

Those of us from the old days have a weekend to kick all the tires and whatnot before Secret World Legends launches for everybody else Monday (or maybe it’s open for all now?).  I spent a couple of hours getting through the tutorials and whatnot.  The combat does seem to be a bit different, and the skill system definitely is. On the plus side, the graphics are better, there are people around again, and we’re back to having a bunch of different currencies to manipulate for various benefits.  And yes, I absolutely missed the currency manipulation. I’m weird like that.

One thing, though: if you were previously a The Secret World member, log into SWL with your TSW account and password so that you can port over all your old vanity stuff.  Like your motorcycles and whatnot.  The in-game cash apparently ain’t coming over, though – more’s the pity.

Now, if you’ll excuse me: I need to see a person about a cabal.  Surely the League of Monster Slayers is back online…

So, they’re limiting players in Secret World Legend zones to… ten?

That’s… well, we’ll have to see how it plays out in real time.

Funcom elected to go with 10 players per zone instance for Secret World Legends with priority given to friends of players and groups. Players who spend most of their time solo will find other solo players in the same zone.

“We are trying to find a sweet spot because we also don’t want the players to be completely alone and never see another living soul,” Amiel explained when asked about the player limit in zones. The implication is this may still change as the beta continues and through the launch of Secret World Legendson June 26 and then July 31 on Steam.

Continue reading So, they’re limiting players in Secret World Legend zones to… ten?

Please don’t leak Secret World Legends beta information.

I’m not in the beta yet for Secret World Legends, and people blabbing about stuff going on in it just makes it harder for me to get access.  I mean, I’m a blogger, remember?  That’s a strike against me, right there.  I mean, sure, I can keep my mouth shut when people ask me to – but they don’t know that, do they?

Don’t get me wrong: I understand the allure of scoops.  But these are scoops that are affecting my quality of life.  Therefore, they are bad scoops, and so must be ruthlessly suppressed in the future. Because, sure, it’s all about me.

Hey, for anybody else who plays The Secret World…

…the link to reserve your favorite The Secret World character’s name on Secret World Legends is not always showing up on the account page.  Here’s a link:<ACCOUNT NAME HERE>/namereservation

Replace <ACCOUNT NAME HERE> with whatever username you use to log into your TSW account and you should be good.  Also: here’s the link to sign up for the beta. Continue reading Hey, for anybody else who plays The Secret World…