So, Mrs. Senator Brown was some kind of bikini-clad ninja assassin…

…at least, based on this otherwise utterly forgettable video from 1984, by a band called Digney Fignus*:

(Via Little Miss Attila & the Daily Caller)

And this was apparently something that the Huffington Post wanted to promote on their site. Judging from my immediate reactions:

  • I am happy not to be living in the alternate universe where Digney Fignus became superstar rockers;
  • I feel obligated, once again, to apologize for the music industry’s fashion choices of the mid-to-late 1980s (what can I say? Cocaine was apparently being handed out as party favors back then);
  • I wish that progressives would stop being so ugly and tangled up inside over sex;

…I’m not exactly sure what their point is. OK, that’s a lie: I know what their point is. I’m just mildly annoyed that they thought that this attack was actually going to work.

Moe Lane

*A band sufficiently obscure as to lack a presence on Amazon.

Crossposted to RedState.


Also: [ahem] “See, I told you so.”

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers – and I assure you, I don’t ever want to get on Glenn’s bad side.  I heard that he once linked a site in Reno, just to watch it crash…

This message goes out to every vulnerable Democratic Congressman representing a Republican or even centrist district – and after tonight, who among you is not vulnerable? It is a simple message: we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. The easy way is, you suddenly decide that you have a burning desire to spend more time with your families. So you don’t run for re-election, you walk off stage technically undefeated, and you go join a lobbying firm. The hard way is, you do run for re-election, and we pry you out of your seats.

We want to do this the hard way. We will enjoy doing it.

That’s your only warning. And remember: nobody is going to be able to save you. If the President, the DSCC, the DCCC, the DNC, the SEIU, ACORN, and the netroots couldn’t manage a win in Massachusetts… what do you think that they can do for you?

Moe Lane

PS: To my readers… go have a drink. Go have a few. Celebrate. Tomorrow, we talk about how we’re going to take FL-19 and HI-01 away from the Democratic party.

PPS: More than a few people wanted me to mock specific members of the netroots in this post – but when I’m on my way to the main hall to deliver a message I see no reason why I should stop at the kennels along the way. Continue reading NEXT.