So. Amazon has rights to The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.

[UPADTE: Patreon!]

That is indeed news. I suspect that many will not see this as good news, but I guess we’ll have to wait until the first episodes become available for review. Reportedly, the nudity that had been reported earlier will not be titillating, but instead be “very dark thematic material suggestive of concentration camp-type visuals of victims, a harrowing portrayal of the corruption of the Elves by dark powers to ultimately become Orcs.” So if you were dreading hot nekkid Noldor-on-Sindar action, that at least might not be actually happening.

Or it might be nothing but elf-orgies* all season. It’s kind of up to Amazon at this point.

Continue reading So. Amazon has rights to The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.

The Three-Minute Silmarillion.

It is a judgement upon me that my first reaction was The actual appearance of Tulkas in the narrative is more complicated than that and my second was You left out the part about the Ents.

I’m not entirely proud of that reaction. But it’s good, really! Three minutes is pretty impressive, considering.