I’m kind of taking it easy today…

…I spent the morning running through Skyrim again.  Well, a portion of it.  The portion of it where the evil mage that I just decapitated decided to get up again and keep thr0wing blasts of energy at me until I actually managed to whittle her down to zero health.

Without a HEAD.

I am pretty sure that this was a bug*… and it is nonetheless THE GREATEST BUG EVER because it freaked me the hell out when it happened, and moments of fear in Skyrim are actually not all that common.  So.  Well done?

Moe Lane Continue reading I’m kind of taking it easy today…

So. That Skyrim game huh?

Got up to 78th level, ended up running every faction, High Elf sword-and-board enthusiast (of all things); killed the Big Bad, got married to the hallucinogenic tree sap smuggler, and am now sitting with her at the dinner table and thinking about how to turn all those gold ingots and jewels upstairs into the nucleus of a profitable minor enchanted item industry. Because I’m done with kicking the withered asses of Draugr Deathlords. Somebody else can do that stuff for a while.

IOW, putting on hold until the DLC comes out.
Continue reading So. That Skyrim game huh?

Wow. I’m running out of Skyrim.

Just in time for Mass Effect 3, too. Which works out – but wasn’t there supposed to be DLC for Skyrim by now? I mean, it’s been out for a few months, and from what I can tell I wasn’t the only one who got mind-controlled by the game there for a while.

Also… poor Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.  I bought the game on the strength of the demo, and there it sits.  Patiently.  Possibly too patiently.  It may be plotting…

Seriously, do people care if I cover the debate?

It’s on at 8 PM, and I am not particularly convinced that I have anything worthwhile to say about this one at this point.  It’s almost over, one way or the other, and pretty soon we can all get on with our lives until after the convention.

So: should I tweet this one as usual, or should I go play some more Skyrim?