…but felt better enough to actually play video games. By the way:
Tag: Skyrim
Actually, Skyrim’s not half bad.
I played Morrowind briefly, back in the day: it didn’t really appeal to me, for some reason – but this is a good deal better. My wife also feels that the female characters run a good deal more realistically than they do in, say, Dragon Age 2.
I’d say ‘Check it out,’ except that I’m well aware that doing so would be exquisitely pointless of me. Or redundant.
The dreaded Skyrim Balloon Animal Tiger.
So, this is why I should be waiting to pick up web page. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim until it’s been patched a bit more, right?
…although there’s a part of me that hopes that they don’t patch that particular bug as much as they give it an entertaining sound effect.
Skyrim question.
So, I’ve got Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim all up on my Steam account, and I’m contemplating.
Go/No Go?