Yeah, there’s a problem with that: “The two-time Oscar nominee denied the recent reports, telling GQ UK: “I’m gonna disappoint you. Yeah, no. But I know no one’s gonna trust anything I say from now on.”” That was because Andrew Garfield lied, and lied, and then he lied some more about not being in SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. Somebody leaked footage of him being in the movie, and he still lied about it. And Andrew Garfield’s not sorry at all about it.
Continue reading Andrew Garfield claims he’s not in SPIDER-MAN 4.Tag: spider-man: no way home
I wanna hear the story of this deepfaked Andrew Garfield deepfake.
Because by now surely the story of this emergency plugging of SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME leak can be told.
And all those people in YT comments claiming three months that they never bought it? Nah, people bought it. Which was almost certainly the goal. Although I don’t think the guy who made it got paid for it – and he should’ve; he did Marvel a solid. There Ain’t No Justice…
The SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME Honest Trailer.
I wanna push back a little on Honest Trailers: the studio did its level best to muddy the waters on the Big Reveal of SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. They did better than I thought they would on that front, too. Also note: there’s some big spoilers in this video. I assume everybody’s already seen it (it’s a fun flick), but You Have Been Warned.
Interesting detail about SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
At least, I think this is interesting (SPOILERS for SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME):
Continue reading Interesting detail about SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.Andrew Garfield is not the werewolf (spoilers, technically).
Although if it’s a spoiler at this point, I’m impressed that you’ve missed it. Let’s just say that Andrew Garfield was absolutely the werewolf. And he lied and lied and lied about it…
Continue reading Andrew Garfield is not the werewolf (spoilers, technically).Took the kids to see SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME today!
And they had a blast. It’s been hard in the past to get the kids to sit through a movie, but this afternoon they were enthralled. It helps that they’ve seen ALL the Spider-Man flicks, mind you. Including the ones that we sort of dismiss.
So that was real fun. We’re probably going to do it again for the new Sonic movie, too. They really want to see it, and I… well, Jim Carrey is entertaining as Dr. Robotnik. I’m sure I can make it through the flick all right.
Moe Lane
My mini-review of SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
Short version: I put real pants on to go see this movie, and I don’t regret it.
Continue reading My mini-review of SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME didn’t have a good opening, by pandemic standards.
It had an amazing one, by anybody’s:
MONDAY UPDATE, with actuals: Sony/Marvel’s Spider-Man: No Way Home became the third biggest global opener of all time this weekend, now with a confirmed $600.8M through Sunday, versus yesterday’s estimate of $587.2M. Crossing the $600M mark makes it only the third film ever to the milestone in a launch frame. The Jon Watts-directed MCU entry is the No. 6 movie of 2021 worldwide (No. 3 for the studios) just from its debut and overtaking all other Marvel pics this year. Topping $600M at open is even more impressive as NWH did it without China, only the second film ever to the six-century mark sans that giant market.
I am personally fine, by the way, with us not taking the PRC’s official numbers into account when determining a movie’s box office. Indeed, when it comes to popular entertainment I would be fine with us not taking the PRC into account at all. It’d be better for everybody, in the long run.
The “I DO Want to Watch This” SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME trailer.
It must have been nice, being able to use all the past Spider-Man villains like that. Especially the Alfred Molina Doc Ock. I’d watch this movie if he was the only one they had gotten. #commissionearned
Not only do my children approve; they are ready to see SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME in theaters. You have no idea how hard it is to convince them to do that. We are also binging Spider-Man flicks this week, on general principles.