The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Supercut trailer.

Well put me in overshoes and call me a duck.

Maybe… maybe it won’t suck like we’re all afraid (secretly or not) it’s going to.

Hmm. How long DO people wait to go see a movie?

This thought sparked by the hysteria over the new Star Wars tickets. I rarely see a movie on Opening Night – I may have NEVER seen a movie on Opening Night* – and I certainly won’t pay 10 grand to see The Force Awakens that early.  But I’m gonna make a hole in my schedule to see it as soon as possible.

What about the rest of you? What’s the earliest that you’d fight your way through the theater in order to get a seat? And what movie or movies would make you want to do it?

Moe Lane

*I remembering going through a lot of trouble to see Serenity as soon as I could.

Tweet of the Day, …’Suggests?’ edition.

I thought that it was already well-known that George Lucas wrote the prequels because he grew to hate that which he created; and, by extension, hate us for being so gauche as to love it, and demand more and more of it for entirely the wrong reasons.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …’Suggests?’ edition.

Disney to re-release original theatrical cuts of Star Wars.

Erick’s right, of course – but this happened also because the Mouse wants your money.