So, I’m just listening to Stary Olsa covers at this point…

…this one is Metallica’s ‘One.’

Geez, half-my-age-me would have been engrossed by this.  I mean, modern-me loves this stuff – but in 1993 this would have thoroughly rocked my brain.  Me and my friends would all be sitting around the stereo at The House and gotten… drunk.  Yes. Drinking. That is what we would have done when this song was being played.  Which we were all perfectly allowed to do, because we were all of legal age. To drink.

Hey, Stary Olsa is going to be in Columbia MD on September 26th.

For those who don’t remember, Stary Olsa is that Belarusian band that Kickstarted an album of modern rock/metal covers using medieval instruments. This should give you an idea of what this band is like…

…so hell yes but I’m going to this concert. It’s pretty much an obligation, in fact. In an obscure but still meaningful way, these people are part of my tribe.

Not just another “Another Brick In The Wall” cover.

So I saw this on Facebook, and it’s pretty good.

Good enough that I’m thinking about maybe grabbing an album.  The band is called Stary Olsa, and they’re apparently a Eastern European (Belarus) band that does this stuff.  Anybody ever hear of them? – I understand that they’re touring in the USA in August, so I assume that that means that they’ll be at Pennsic.

Moe Lane Continue reading Not just another “Another Brick In The Wall” cover.