Today’s let’s-urinate-on-the-memory-of-Nazi-victims comes to us courtesy of Communications Workers of America International Vice President Christopher Shelton, who seems to be having difficulty telling the difference between murdering millions of people in literal carload lots, and ending public sector employees’ ability to collectively bargain over how much of said people’s work-offered health insurance policies has to come out of their pocket. And by ‘be having difficulty telling’ I mean ‘is too cognitively impared to recognize.’ Watch the video yourself before you tell me I’m wrong:
Yeah. When the first words out of your mouth include “Welcome to Nazi Germany,” (and you end by threatening to start World War III in your home state) you have a problem with your rhetoric. Because, generally speaking, the ability to claim that one is in a fascist dictatorship and police state that ruthlessly suppresses dissent and persecutes minorities and get away with it is usually an unsubtle hint that one is in fact not in a fascist dictatorship, etc, etc, etc. People who are actually in fascist dictatorships, etc, etc, etc, generally don’t bring up the subject in public. And they certainly don’t do it over a loudspeaker. Continue reading Chris Christie’s… NAZI JERSEY!