“We gonna dance, now!”

I actually remember seeing this on TV when it was on.


I’ve always liked tap dancing… to watch, mind you; I don’t have any training in it, although I kid myself that I might have been all right at it if I had ever tried. I got it from my dad, who I think could tap-dance a little, I’m not sure. Anyway, seeing somebody who knows how to hoof always gives me a smile.

See also:

“I’m just playing my character!”

The video below should be useful material for any gamers out there trying to convince their GMs that, yea, indeed, their character with the peg-leg can do that ridiculously acrobatic thing after all:

Remember: your PC does have that high a level in his or her dexterity/coordination/agility stat, and he or she does have his or her dancing/acrobatics/tumbling skill maxed out. Or he or she should, at least, if you’re trying to justify tap dancing with a peg-leg to a GM.  The point is that your PC really is a beautiful and unique snowflake; that’s part of the point in playing a roleplaying game in the first place*.

Moe Lane

*For the non gamer geeks: this assertion is not… universally held.