Background here: the short version is that a Jezebel writer was told that a tattoo parlor wasn’t going to give her a neck tattoo (apparently neck tattoos are fraught), and so she then does what Jezebel writers do. That’s right: freak out., throw a fit, and accuse everybody involved of misogyny. Anyway, Coelasquid (who writes and draws a ridiculously good webcomic about video game characters) wrote up her reaction to this issue. Short version of that: when a tattoo artist tells you that something is a bad idea – heck, when one flat-out refuses to do something – perhaps you should at least take the tattoo artist seriously.
Moe Lane
PS: I don’t have a tattoo and I don’t particularly want one – but I do have a general interest in leaving people in the counter-culture the hell alone if they’re willing to return the favor. People who are into getting inked are not bothering me, so maybe we shouldn’t bother them. Radical notion, I know.