Important life tip: if you have a “F**K COPS” tattoo* on your face..

do not commit crimes.  Your victims will be very gratified to be able to give the police such a distinctive, easily-remembered, and above all motivational facial feature when reporting your crimes.  And the cops will be equally gratified to bust you.

Moe Lane

*I say nothing about the devil horns, actually.  Male-pattern baldness runs in my mother’s family, although thank GOD but I missed that particular gene sequence.  I can respect the guy’s quiet defiance, there.

Andrew Cuomo’s War on Tattoos.

Via the Washington Free Beacon comes today’s “Hey! Let’s pound our heads against a wall, because it’ll feel so good when we stop*!” story. Short version: having absolutely nothing else to worry about in New York, legislators there signed… well, read it.

NYC tattoo artists are up in arms (sorry) about a new law that will go into effect in December requiring New York tattoo artists to use single-use ink shots. A petition surfaced yesterday regarding the law, which Governor Cuomo believes is necessary to prevent “potentially serious and life threatening health risks.” Tattoo artists, however, are firmly against the language being used in the bill regarding the ink requirements, which they believe are completely unnecessary.

Continue reading Andrew Cuomo’s War on Tattoos.

I believe that this is a sensible and mature reaction to the Jezebel tattoo thing.

Background here: the short version is that a Jezebel writer was told that a tattoo parlor wasn’t going to give her a neck tattoo (apparently neck tattoos are fraught), and so she then does what Jezebel writers do.  That’s right: freak out., throw a fit, and accuse everybody involved of misogyny. Anyway, Coelasquid (who writes and draws a ridiculously good webcomic about video game characters) wrote up her reaction to this issue. Short version of that: when a tattoo artist tells you that something is a bad idea – heck, when one flat-out refuses to do something – perhaps you should at least take the tattoo artist seriously.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t have a tattoo and I don’t particularly want one – but I do have a general interest in leaving people in the counter-culture the hell alone if they’re willing to return the favor.  People who are into getting inked are not bothering me, so maybe we shouldn’t bother them.  Radical notion, I know.

Never say that I don’t admit it when Barack Obama has a good idea.

This strategy works for me:

“What we’ve said to the girls is, ‘If you guys ever decided you’re going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo in the same place. And we’ll go on YouTube and show it off as a family tattoo,” Obama said. “And our thinking is that might dissuade them from thinking that somehow that’s a good way to rebel.”

I may steal this.

Moe Lane

PS: I will not say a word if/when my adult children decide to get a tattoo.  Neither am I criticizing the idea of tattoos: it comes under the broad category of A perfectly reasonable thing/activity/concept, for other people. I am merely exercising my parental rights to nix the idea for my minor children.
