Majestic update to the ‘Bold Marauder’ Patreon Pledge Drive.

New subscriber! That means a new installment is up. Remember: every day another person signs up, there’s another installment of my SF pulp story The Bold Marauder. It’s a great time to get started! Click the Patreon button above, or click this link!

Chapter 1, Part 1
Chapter 1, Part 2
Chapter 1, Part 3
Chapter 1, Part 4

Welp, time to revisit the Bold Marauder Patreon pledge drive.

I gotta keep going for it if I want to get anywhere, of course. What I’ve done so far is below: for every day that I get a new patron, people get another hit for free. When the drive hits $200/month, I start writing this serial Pulp SF story up every week for patrons. It’s a bargain, so click the button above!

Chapter 1, Part 1
Chapter 1, Part 2
Chapter 1, Part 3

The Next Level Patreon Pledge Drive. (There’ll be free stuff.)

It is time to really push things to the next level, here.  Therefore, I have started an ongoing drive to get my Patreon up to the $200/month level.  And to do this, I have changed the pledge goals!  Now, at $200/month, patrons will get 500 words a week of the pulp SF serial “The Bold Marauder” that I’ve wanted to write for a while. Continue reading The Next Level Patreon Pledge Drive. (There’ll be free stuff.)

September Showcase: September 14th.

Got a new subscriber to the Patreon!

Today’s September Showcase is a Patron-only piece that’s been taken from the if-we-get-that-far pulp serial “The Bold Marauder.” If you ever get a chance to listen to Michael Longcor’s cover of that, go for it*. I’m hoping to go really old-school with this story.

Sign up for the Patreon today!

Continue reading September Showcase: September 14th.