I really wish THE DAY AFTER RAGNAROK had taken off. It’s real fun to write for.
Continue reading Death Hill [The Day After Ragnarok]Tag: The Day After Ragnarok
The Cyrene Fleet [The Day After Ragnarok]
Pantera [The Day After Ragnarok]
You can call him Jimmy, if you find the name ridiculous. He does, but it’s the price of doing business.
Continue reading Pantera [The Day After Ragnarok]The Wanderwell Gang [The Day After Ragnarok]
Gypsy Shipping [The Day After Ragnarok]
Gypsy Shipping
Gypsy Shipping is a small company based out of California which does low-weight, high-value courier jobs between California, Texas, and Utah. The American successor states might talk a good game about tolls and borders and whatnot, but nobody has the manpower in the post-Serpentfall world to check all the traffic. Comes right down to it, nobody really wants to. Every Highway Patrolman or Ranger looking for contraband is a soldier that’s not killing mutated gila monsters or whatnot. So, if you don’t want anybody to know about a particular shipment, Gypsy Shipping will be happy to make sure it gets to where it needs to go without too much official interest. For a reasonable amount of money.
Continue reading Gypsy Shipping [The Day After Ragnarok]Roanoke, Valley of the Missing. [The Day After Ragnarok]
Continue reading Roanoke, Valley of the Missing. [The Day After Ragnarok]Roanoke, Valley of the Missing
City: Roanoke Valley, VA
Population: Ruin (Ghouls)
Controls: Nothing
Government: None
Problem: Monsters
Heroic Opportunity: Trade Goods
City Aspect: Abandoned and Grim
Russell Johnson and the Cult of John Frum [The Day After Ragnarok.]
Russell Johnson and the Cult of John Frum
The Cargo Cult religious movement is not very well known outside of its home base of Melanesia; anthropology is one of those disciplines that has become horribly underfunded since the Serpentfall. To sum it all up very briefly, there is a religious movement running through much of Oceania that believes that a god or culture hero named ‘John Frum’ would appear and provide Western goods to the faithful in the form of ‘cargo.’ This belief was reinforced during World War II; the American military funnelled vast amounts of equipment and materials through that part of the world, giving credence to the belief system. Many adherents went so far as to build replica airstrips and bases out of local materials, in hopes that this would result in ‘cargo’ deliveries.
Hershey World [The Day After Ragnarok].
Hershey World
City: Hershey, PA
Population: 5,000
Controls: Hershey Industrial School, Hershey Park, Hershey Plant
Government: Strongman
Problem: Food Shortages
Heroic Opportunity: Legendary Treasure
City Aspect: Wary
Hershey almost did not survive the destruction of Harrisburg during the Great Collapse. The town survived, ironically, because of the plagues that ripped through Pennsylvania; while most of the town died, including Milton Hershey himself, they did considerably better than their neighbors. Hershey and Derry Township reorganized itself under Hershey President William Murray’s rule, and strove to hang on.
Marietta, Village of the Damned [The Day After Ragnarok]
I don’t often come up with scenarios where the players are going to hate all their options, but I seem to have done so here. Happy Halloween!
Marietta, Village of the Damned
City: Marietta, Georgia
Population: 4,000
Controls: Marietta, GA
Government: Machine
Problem: Monsters
Heroic Opportunity: Bounty
City Aspect: Doomed, probably
Theoretically, Marietta should be in better shape than it is. For a few years after the Serpentfall, it was: Atlanta lay just to its Southeast, and there’s a lot of loot in a major dead city, especially if it didn’t burn too badly. The Konfederacy in particular was and is interested in Atlanta’s remaining industrial salvage, and has invested in the town accordingly. Marietta is not quite ruled by Birmingham, but the Klan openly operates there, and non-whites are routinely harassed on the streets, or worse. Even the salvage camps have strict racial and religious restrictions.
Camp Springs Army Air Base [The Day After Ragnarok]
Camp Springs Army Air Base
Location: Camp Springs, Maryland
Camp Springs AAB would be remembered as being the place from where President Harry S Truman fled from the Serpentfall, if only anyone had survived the evacuation attempt. But nobody did, no report of Truman’s flight made it to the West, and it’s widely assumed in what’s left of the USA that the President and his Cabinet died when Washington, DC drowned. In reality, Truman did make it to Camp Springs and was in the process of taking off when the tsunami hit. While the air base was technically high enough to not be inundated, it didn’t matter in the slightest; the President’s plane and escorts were either all batted out of the sky, or smashed on the ground.