Specifically, the Dark Adventure Radio Theater The Haunter of the Dark. The actual CD goes out next week, but if you pre-ordered it, check your email. They’re sending out links.
The Haunter of the Dark is HP Lovecraft’s last known story, one of his best stories, and also one of his most influential ones. Lots of people have taken no little inspiration from HPL’s Starry Wisdom cult and/or Shining Trapezohedron; there’s just something about the concepts that spark ideas in modern Mythos writers. And let me take this opportunity to recommend, once again, The Starry Wisdom Library: The Catalogue of the Greatest Occult Book Auction of All Time to all serious Lovecraft fans or gamemasters. It is a marvelous resource for anyone writing or gaming in this genre, and (just in case the title didn’t make it obvious) it draws directly from The Haunter of the Dark. Check it out. Check it all out.