#rsrh Today’s ‘Republicans are Nazis’ comparison will be brought to us by Dick… Harpootlian.

And who is Dick… Harpootlian, I hear you ask?  Why, he’s the head of the Democratic party in South Carolina!


Yeah, I know: there’s little that you could do to the man that’s more degrading than being that.  Still, old Dick seems to be living down to the job: Continue reading #rsrh Today’s ‘Republicans are Nazis’ comparison will be brought to us by Dick… Harpootlian.

#rsrh About this @JasonBiggs thing… dear *God* but that’s vile stuff Nickelodeon’s endorsing.

I am in no way, shape, or form a social conservative* – but this garbage that Jason Briggs spews out on a regular basis is not kid-friendly.  And before you ask me why that matters, this is why that matters:

Continue reading #rsrh About this @JasonBiggs thing… dear *God* but that’s vile stuff Nickelodeon’s endorsing.