Let’s unpack the important parts of this bit about the Democratic Party’s latest rebranding effort. First off:
In the months since their party took another electoral beating and lost the Senate to Republicans, senior Democratic strategists have launched a major effort to rebrand the party, after concluding their message no longer inspires voters who turned out to elect President Obama but sat on their hands during midterm elections.
The rebranding project is being led by Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.)…
OK, stop there. Steve Israel was head of the DCCC in the last election cycle: which is to say, he managed to lose about twice as many seats as many people privately estimated. It took real skill to do that, that cycle: the GOP was already enjoying a commanding lead in the House. So, yeah, perfect choice there (sayeth the partisan Republican hack). Moving along:
Wednesday’s meeting comes a few months after a group of polling and communications experts briefed House Democrats at a retreat in April. At that meeting, Pollock, along with strategists Anita Dunn, Doug Thornell, John Lapp and Jim Kessler…
Continue reading Oh, gee: the Democrats are ‘rebranding.’ AGAIN.