Trey Gowdy to Elijah Cummings: so, hey, Sidney Blumenthal profited from the Libyan civil war?

What was the saying, again? ‘No blood for oil?’

So Trey Gowdy sent a formal letter to Elijah Cummings over the latter’s intolerably and pettily partisan hackwork with regard to the Benghazi Committee (@RBPundit categorizes it as ‘BEASTMODE,’ which is highly accurate).  There are a lot of interesting things in this letter.  A lot of brutal commentary on Rep. Cummings’ willingness to say one thing in private and another in public, for example. But I found this part about Sidney Blumenthal to be highly entertaining reading:

Beyond the pure politics that were occurring at this time, perhaps more disturbing it that at the same time [Sidney] Blumenthal was pushing Secretary Clinton to war in Libya, he was privately pushing a business interest of his own in Libya that stood to profit from contracts with the new Libyan government – a government that would exist only after a successful U.S. intervention in Libya that deposed Qaddafi. This business venture was one he shared with Tyler Drumheller and Cody Shearer, the authors of the information sent to Secretary Clinton. It is therefore unsurprising that somebody who knew so little about Libya would suddenly become so interested in Libya and push an old friend in a powerful place to action – for personal profit. Continue reading Trey Gowdy to Elijah Cummings: so, hey, Sidney Blumenthal profited from the Libyan civil war?

Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton is flat-out lying about us not subpoenaing her.

It’s pretty close to the quote, actually.

Continue reading Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton is flat-out lying about us not subpoenaing her.

Hillary Clinton straight-up lied to Trey Gowdy (@TGowdySC).

Lied, lied, lied.

Basically, she had her lawyer tell Trey Gowdy that a specific email wasn’t being used during Clinton’s term of office. This was directly contradicted by the New York Times today, albeit in passing. Either way: it’s time for Rep. Gowdy to start bringing in people to be subpoenaed, and putting them in jail for contempt if they try to stonewall.  This has gone on for quite long enough.

Trey Gowdy was (justifiably) brutal here when it came to Jon Gruber.

Six and a half minutes of Jon Gruber being picked up by his own self-regard, and then being mercilessly slammed hard into the ground. …That’s it. That’s what happened.

Jon Gruber will never work in This Town again.

IRS claims no criminal wrongdoing done, based on… feelings! “Nothing more than… FEELINGS!”

Sorry for getting that song stuck in your head, by the way.

Imagine, if you would, the following exchange:

IRS Agent: What you did here is suspicious.

Audited individual: I haven’t broken any laws!

IRS Agent: Really?  What are the relevant laws?

Audited individual: …I don’t know.

I want you to imagine what the IRS agent’s most likely response would be to that.  You can, right? It’s pretty easy. We all know just how much give there is when it comes to dealing with the tax man.

Continue reading IRS claims no criminal wrongdoing done, based on… feelings! “Nothing more than… FEELINGS!”

Trey Gowdy does a mike drop on media over Benghazi.

[UPDATE] This is actually from last year. Which tells me something important: John Boehner is taking this issue seriously, because he picked precisely the right person for the job.

Oh, Trey Gowdy’s gonna work out just fine, here. Short version: it’s three and a half minutes of the man listing every question that the media should have been asking – honestly, truly asking – yet did not. To paraphrase CS Lewis: you will not find a dull moment in this.



Moe Lane (crosspost)

How do you reconcile ‘unconcerned about Benghazi’ with ’emailed death threats to Republicans?’

Spoiler warning: you can’t.

(Via Gateway Pundit) I really hate saying this, but: this Politico article is, horribly, an indication that we’re apparently on the right track with this Benghazi investigation.

The U.S. Capitol Police are investigating threatening emails against Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican recently tapped to lead a special panel probing the Benghazi terrorist attacks.

The investigation comes after POLITICO reporters and journalists at other outlets received two emails on Tuesday warning that Gowdy would be harmed because of his role in investigating the 2012 attacks.

I don’t know how much of this is the normal cost of doing business – and oh, God, but a sordid business it is when getting death threats are considered to be just a part of it – but I’ll say this: if the Left really thinks that the Benghazi investigation isn’t relevant, they’ve picked a remarkably self-defeating way of expressing their opinion on the subject. Continue reading How do you reconcile ‘unconcerned about Benghazi’ with ’emailed death threats to Republicans?’

Select #Benghazi Congressional investigating committee announced.

And hey!

Elections have consequences: “House Republicans have decided the select committee to investigate the Benghazi terror attack will include seven Republicans and five Democrats, according to two senior House GOP leadership aides.”  This is in stark contrast to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s eyebrow-raising demand that Democrats be given equal membership on said committee: it’s an open question whether Pelosi will appoint anybody at all at this point.  Given her generally poor decision-making since 2009, I’m going to guess that she’ll boycott the entire thing out of pique until it becomes clear that playing even a bad hand on this still beats playing no hand at all.

And when I say that elections have consequences, I am not snarking – well, I’m not just snarking.  I’m also quoting select committee chair Trey Gowdy (via Hot Air): Continue reading Select #Benghazi Congressional investigating committee announced.

#rsrh If you missed Oversight’s Holder Contempt Hearing…

…you can find it here. After C-SPAN finishes processing it, people should be able to clip and embed sections.

Meanwhile: Trey Gowdy probably had the single most epic exhibition (H/T: @DLoesch) of angry, truly righteous indignation, but he had a lot of competition. There are a lot of Republicans out there who stopped listening to administration excuses at about the time that it became clear that the Department of Justice GOT PEOPLE KILLED.