Tweet of the Day, We’re Doing A LITTLE Hurricane Prep Now Here edition.

Probably not necessary.

But I married into a belt-and-suspenders-style family, and so it behooves me to respect that when they say Time to get some supplies now, just in case.  The projected track is still well south of us, we’re not in even a 500 year flood zone, and we probably won’t even lose power.  Still, better to do it and not need it than to not do it and need to, hey?

Stay safe, folks.

Tweet of the Day, The Internet Is For Scanning Public Domain SFF-Horror Pulp edition.

This looks cool:

Although the way it’s configured, it’s more of a tool for people doing research than it is a toy for people looking to browse.  Which does not make it any less cool, of course.  It just makes it a specific type of cool.

Tweet of the Day, The Denver Airport’s Troll Game Is Strong edition.

This is beautiful.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, The Denver Airport’s Troll Game Is Strong edition.

Tweet of the Day, Now I Want Raptor Wings edition.

They’re arguing about this in responses, of course. Because this is the Internet. But it’s a good line, at the very least.

Tweet of the Day, @DollyParton Has Finished This Meme edition.

The creator should feel honored.

No, really. Whoever came up with this should feel humbled that Dolly Parton has capstoned it like this. It was a good meme! It served its day. Let this be its cenotaph.
Continue reading Tweet of the Day, @DollyParton Has Finished This Meme edition.