Back about two weeks ago, Media Matters was duly upset about Glenn Beck saying that “there seems to be a mounting call for violence from the left:”
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Oddly: as of 7:37 AM, 12/16/2010, Media Matters has precisely zero to say about would-be class warrior Clay Duke. Clay Duke is, of course, the guy who decided to Fight The Power by walking into a Florida school board with a handgun, spray-paint a “V for Vendetta” left-wing gang symbol on the wall, then try to shoot a couple of people before turning the gun on himself. He’s of interest because, as Transterrestrial Musings and The Blaze note, his Facebook page (since sanitized) is a long, extended paean to the Paranoid Left, including a general links list which includes such sites as Indymedia, Wikileaks, and… Media Matters for America. Continue reading The rising tide of left-wing violence?