Running a meatspace The Fantasy Trip playtest tonight.

We’re gonna mess around with The Fantasy Trip and eat sandwiches and generally chill out and so forth. I’m running TFT next week at WashingCon, and I don’t really have an overly-structured plan in my head for it. For con games I like to tell people what are the conditions on the ground, then have them tell me why they care and then just let them bounce off of each other and me for a few hours. It seems to work reasonably well.

One week to go for WashingCon.

Probably going to be spending most of it prepping for various games. Of the three that I’m running at this point, the one that most worries me is the one-shot that I originally wrote for The Day After Ragnarok: I know how the plot is supposed to go, I think that it makes perfect sense and the course of action is obvious, so when the players decide to do something else I might be a little upset. Hopefully I’ll get over that silliness quickly, though.

So if you’re in DC next week, go to WashingCon! I’ll be entertainingly frazzled by Sunday, ya, you betcha.

My @WashingCon schedule.

Pretty straightforward:

  • Saturday, September 7th, 1 PM: Tiny Adventures (LEGO + homebrew RPG system). I’ll be running four people through probably the labyrinth, although the modular dungeons look interesting, too. I plan to be very flexible about the rules, too.
  • Saturday, September 7th, 6 PM: Song of the Siren (The Day After Ragnarok, Savage Worlds). Conan! WWII post-apocalypse! Manatees!
  • Sunday, September 8th, 10 AM: Dungeon Crawl (The Fantasy Trip). …Look, let’s not spoil what should be a perfectly lovely time by pretending that the plot is going to survive the first thirty minutes. Especially if I get the right mix of people.

Sign up for WashingCon today!

So, back from that meeting.

Basically, WashingCon runs what they call Tiny Dungeons: they’ve put together a variety of RPG scenarios involving Legos, from a dungeon crawl to a town mystery. And they’ve got elaborate sets for ’em, too. They’re also looking for more GMs to run game sessions this convention, so they asked me if I wanted to do a couple*.

Continue reading So, back from that meeting.

Off for a bit.

Continuing to do stuff around the house, and I’m going to a thing going on tonight that has to do with WashingCon. I may be helping with a special RPG session there; ‘may’ because although I want to, we’re still trying to finalize game times. When I know that I’m doing it, I’ll tell people about it. It’s a pretty cool idea.

Reminder: WashingCon in a couple of months.

Details about the convention here (Sept 7-8). I’m bringing it up because I might be doing something extra for WashingCon this year. Nothing extremely earth-shaking, but it sounds like it’d be a lot of fun to do. I’ll give more details once I get them.

Also, it was kind of nice to get asked. I kind of ninja this convention, in a lot of ways: I go in, run my games, do a little shopping, and don’t bother the convention staff with any drama or headaches. Guess somebody noticed how long I had been doing that, eventually (this’ll be my fourth year).

Moe Lane

PS: My con games will be set in The Day After Ragnarok and The Fantasy Trip.

WashingCon 2019: September 7-8, 2019 (obviously).

Tickets are going on sale later this year (April 1st) than last, but it’s still at the same location and everything. I’m not yet signed up to run any games, but as soon as they’re taking applications I plan to submit one. I also figure that it won’t be a problem; this would be my, what, fourth year going at this point? I have no idea if they really know who I am, because I don’t hit the fan suite or anything (assuming that they even have one), but I show up on time and run my games without drama or crises, which I figure is the important thing.

And this year I plan to run Song of the Siren! Suitably sped up for a convention game, of course. It should be quite fun.

Two questions about upcoming video playtests.


  1. Pelgrane Press is doing a call for playtesting their sword-and-sorcery GUMSHOE game Swords of the Serpentine. Any of you folks interested?
  2. I’m giving serious consideration to running a session of The Day After Ragnarok at WashingCon.  I’d be using my one-shot Song of the Siren for it, but will need to check to see if it works as a four-hour.  Anybody interested in playtesting that?

Back from @WashingCon.

It went well, I think. Five people for the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy game, four for the In Nomine one; I had one person in each game who had played the game before, so we did a bunch of on-the-fly teaching and I streamlined a lot. The important thing was for the players to have fun, and I’m pretty sure that they did.

But dear Lord but con games take a lot out of me.  I was conked out by 10 PM last night, although the beer certainly helped.  For there was beer. I’ve finally figured out the Georgetown on-campus bar hours.  I had to maneuver through endless construction zones to get there, mind you — but that was a minor matter, and easily navigated.

Moe Lane

PS: I should possibly try to get to know the WashingCon staff a bit better; this is, like, the third con of theirs I’ve run games for and I doubt any of them would recognize me if we met on the street.  Which is my fault, sure.  I’m just so worn out after running one of these that I feel little urge to socialize further.

Back from running Hall of Judgment at @WashingCon!

It went well!  I think.  My players seemed to enjoy it, at least.  Truncated the heck out of it, because one hour hour time block and everything, but I think that I got some fun out of it.  Also, I had a reader show up to play, and I don’t think that it can get much cooler than that.

But now I’m worn out.  And digesting two beers. But mostly worn out.