So, yeah, I give @Washingcon 10/10 for proper treatment of GMs.

I just found out something that makes me really interested in running a game at Washingcon next year, too. I wasn’t really expecting it, either, which is what made it even nicer.  All in all, I liked the way that they ran the con; the only problem I really had with it was the relative paucity of food choices, and that was something that turned out to not be entirely under their control. Certain vendors were inexplicably closed, and that was the long and the short of it.

So, hey, if you like board games and/or RPGs and you live somewhere near Dizzy City you should check Washingcon out next year.

Back from the convention!

A little… different… than what I was expecting. To be honest, I was expecting more of a vendors’ presence from the sponsors, but I guess that’s not how it works.  The game I ran was well-received, although I had to scramble to get a third person after the guy who triple-booked a slot decided not to show up; the endgame went completely differently than it did in playtest, which is exciting news!  That makes the setup marketable, I think.

The game I played in (Bookhounds of London/Trail of Cthulhu) was fun, too.  I ended up going mad, because I will be damned if I play a Cthulhu game where nobody goes mad and gibbering insanely is part of the fun.  I managed to not be there for the occult stuff until the very end, and had spent the game genially insisting that there was no such thing as real magic – which led nicely to me emptying my revolver into the magician and then running out, shaken and broken, into the night.

So, good gaming even if I wasn’t able to do any professional networking.  So it goes…

Update on the BubbleGUMSHOE con game I’m online playtesting.

If you showed an interest, check your email. If you showed an interest and didn’t get an email, let me know.  If you didn’t show an interest then but are interested now, again, let me know.

And if you’re going to Washingcon, hey, my game isn’t ‘sold out’ (free to play, to con goers) yet. That will be on from 5 to 9 PM Saturday, so you’ll be able to go out and drink afterward.  Or eat. Or… wow, it’s been a while since I did a con, huh? I don’t have a clue what people do at these things anymore.

Update on my Washingcon BubbleGUMSHOE con game playtest.

It’s definitely still going to happen – hopefully – but the abrupt truncation of my house-to-myself holiday required me to prioritize what needed doing, and ‘prepping for a game’ took second fiddle to ‘putting the kids’ new desk, chairs, and table together.’ I will be contacting the folks who volunteered for the playtest early next week; I plan to have at least the framework for the adventure by then.  Also, I expect that a portion of said playtest will involve a rough-and-ready generation of a cheat-sheet for new players.

This is the tentative blurb for the Washingcon game:

Continue reading Update on my Washingcon BubbleGUMSHOE con game playtest.

I think I’ve got the title right for my Washingcon BubbleGUMSHOE game.

I’m going to go with Danger-prone Daphne and the Dossier of Madness. Yes… yes, the Scooby-Doo will be strong in this one. Although, obviously, this is going to be a Mystery Gang where Daphne’s running things in proper teen sleuth fashion. Fred can still do the traps, though.

I know that folks have volunteered to help me test-drive the adventure, once it’s up… well, this and next week is when I’m going to block it all out on paper, or at least pixels. I’ll have plenty of time for myself, and I can’t binge-watch Netflix all day.

…I can’t, right?  They must have some sort of safety valve installed, I assume.

Definitely going to have a hotel room at Washingcon.

I mention this in case anybody’s actually going to end up going to this: I might be persuaded to run a late-night game, even if it’s only Pocket Ogre or Car Wars or whatever the hot new board game is going to be at the con.  Assuming that I can’t con my gaming group into going to this thing, too.  I mean, shoot, we all live in the area, right?

No word yet though on what the RPG situation is going to be like at Washingcon, though.  I’ve been assured that there’s going to be a RPG track, but that’s still being put together, apparently.   Fortunately, I’m not involved with the con past going to it, which means that I’m not going to get tapped to run the gaming track myself.  Because, based on the SCA, I know full well that’s what happens when you ask the question “Is nobody in charge of doing X?”…

I’m giving serious thought to getting a room for Washingcon.

It’s going to be $140 – Washingcon apparently hasn’t been able to cough up a reduced room rate for that yet – but I understand that traffic is a royal pain in the sit-upon for Georgetown. So getting a hotel room makes a certain amount of sense that way.  Plus, I could, you know, have a drink or something. Must think about this further…