:blink: :blink: There’s a novel-length version of ‘Who Goes There?’ And now a Kickstarter?

I may or may not have uttered a twelve-letter obscenity denoting supreme surprise when hearing this news.

While researching his new bookAstounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction, author Alec Nevala-Lee learned that Campbell had actually written a novel-length version of [“Who Goes There?”], which he cut down for publication in the magazine.

Spotting a reference in one of Campbell’s surviving letters to a box of manuscripts the editor had sent to Harvard for archiving, Nevala-Lee tracked down the box at the university and discovered that it contained Frozen Hell, the full-length original version of Campbell’s story.

Continue reading :blink: :blink: There’s a novel-length version of ‘Who Goes There?’ And now a Kickstarter?

The “WHO GOES THERE?” Kickstarter.

If I played board games OR had the disposable income, I’d back WHO GOES THERE?  It looks like it’s a lot of fun and they get full points for going back to the original story.  Mind you: I liked both movies just fine.  But the Campbell novella is something special.
