It’s a planet, dammit. Just like Eris is a planet, and apparently 2007 OR10 is a planet. Although God knows what we’re going to call that last one. I’d vote for ‘Yuggoth,’ if only to really confuse people two hundred years from now. Anyway, it’s funny how this ‘dwarf planet’ thing still rankles people. The scientific community didn’t handle this issue well, huh?
Speaking of Yuggoth… apparently HP Lovecraft may have thought that Pluto had the mass of Earth, because that’s what science was telling him at the time when Lovecraft was writing “The Whisperer in Darkness.” And, speaking of The Whisperer in Darkness… if you haven’t seen the HPL Historical Society’s film version of that story, you really should: it’s quite good. And, speaking of the HPLHS, they seem to be off that weird half-hiatus of theirs and are now producing creative material again HELP HELP I CANNOT STOP THIS INFINITE REFERENCING