#rsrh White House loses embarrassingly unemployed engineer’s resume?

Hey, remember that woman who complained to the President that her engineer husband couldn’t find a job?  Yeah, her: well, Obama apparently told her to have her husband send in a resume to the White House.  But guess what happened?

Yup.  It turns out that the White House doesn’t have a clue about what the status is on that resume! Continue reading #rsrh White House loses embarrassingly unemployed engineer’s resume?

#rsrh OK, more major shakeups in Florida races.

(See also Leon Wolf of RedState) With the latest round of redistricting in Florida, most notable for the problems faced by Republicans Tom Rooney and Allen West by it (see here for an analysis by Sean Trende about how the latter probably wasn’t being deliberately targeted), there’s been a flurry of jumping around to try to take advantage of the two new seats available to Florida because of the 2010 Census.  Republican legislators have already negotiated district switches aplenty; but Rooney and West’s situations were particularly baroque.  This is how they resolved things:

Continue reading #rsrh OK, more major shakeups in Florida races.

#rsrh Florida Primary tonight…

…I think that it’s going to be Romney.  Mind you, my record when it comes to Presidential races? Awful.  I got Bush in 2004 right, but then that one was an absolute gimme.

Fortunately, I can more or less take a detached view of the whole situation. Ron Paul ain’t winning and I can beat the President with either of the top two and probably with the third one, too.  Or, more accurately, I can watch the President beat himself with the absolute albatross of the past three years that’s around his neck.  Never forget: if you think that we have problems, remember that we’re not the ones stuck with the guy who doubled the unemployment rate under his watch.

#rsrh Mail-in deadline on OR-01 tonight.

That’s the race between Republican Rob Cornilles and Democrat Suzanne Bonamici to replace the disgraced (and resigned) Democrat David Wu.  It’s mail-in, but they’re going to be reporting the results tonight as the votes are tabulated: and I don’t know who is going to win.  The district has a hefty Democratic lean, and it’s reflected in the percentage of ballots that have come back, so if the ballots break down along party lines Bonamici will win.  The question is, how many Democratic voters are willing to overlook the aforementioned resignation in disgrace?

No, it’s a valid question: the American electorate tends to punish politicians for sex scandals; and if they can’t punish the politician they’ll punish his party.  Anybody’s guess about whether that will happen tonight, of course.

#rsrh Ladies and Gentlemen: our oh-so-electable President.

Woman to President: My husband can’t get a job.

President to Woman: He’s an engineer, isn’t he?  Plenty of jobs out there for engineers.

Which is… true, actually.  And, speaking as the husband of an engineer: thank God.  But this exchange is incredibly tin-eared.  And before anybody says “So, in other words, you’re just complaining about how Obama said it, not what he said,” let me save you some time and say “Yes.” Only, I’m not complaining.

I’m gloating.  Big difference, there.

Moe Lane

RS Interview: Jackie Walorski (R CAND, IN-02 PRI)

This should have gone up last week, but illness intervened.  You may remember Jackie from last cycle: she came incredibly close to to defeating incumbent Joe Donnelly in IN-02.  Since then, redistricting has resulted in a more Republican-friendly street, and Donnelly has since announced that he’s retiring in order to lose this year’s Senate race.  We talked about that, a bit about what’s changed (and what hasn’t changed since 2010, and I ask her a ‘gotcha’ question!

Well, it’s a question with more teeth than you might think.

Jackie’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Had a post; didn’t gel.

Mostly revolving around this post that nails down the exact date of Ice-T’s [Ice Cube’s]* “Good Day,” which would thus show that you can trace anything on the Internet these days; and it would have been a killer point if it weren’t for the fact that by the early Nineties Ice-T [Ice Cube] was pretty much coasting on his earlier [largely imaginary] gangsta lifestyle anyway (and thus probably made the whole day up).  Not that I particularly disapprove of selling vicarious power fantasies to bored white kids with more money than sense, but it can be awkward when you’re trying to use something as an example of why information control needs to start for political candidates from Day One, only it turns out probably not being actually a valid example after all.

Ach, well.  Fake but accurate, right?

[UPDATE]: It would have helped if I had gotten the name of the rapper right, huh?  Good job by Constant Reader Jeff Weimer in comments (and notice that it turned out that I didn’t have to tone down the implicit sneer)…