From the Fermi Resolution Worldbook: parts from the Gazetteer.

Trying to spread this around to get maximum eyeballs. This is going to be from the updated Gazetteer section.

Name: Imperium Orci

General Location: Texas and northern Mexico

Type of Government: Constitutional Empire

Capital: Saint Anthony (San Antonio, Texas)

Dominant Species: Orcish, Human

Grand Alliance: Yes (core member)

The Universal Dominion wanted orc slave armies, and they got them. Then the Dominion wanted those armies to look just like Roman legions, and they got those, too. At some point, a Dominion Supreme Archmage decided that her pet legions should ape Roman customs – while failing to realize that those customs at various times included things like civics, ethics, and Christianity. When the orcs changed sides in 2835, it permanently ended the Dominion’s dreams of perpetual conquest.

The Imperium Orci, ruled from the city of Saint Anthony (more popularly known as the City of Seven Flags), is probably now the single most powerful individual state in North America. It is a constitutional monarchy in the Imperium itself, and a benign imperial overlord in its southern client states: ‘Emperor’ is a lifetime position chosen from a member of the Imperial family, but the Senate is democratically elected and powerful. Politics is organized around the great gens, or families, while the Catholic Church (only recently reunited with Ancient Rome) enjoys patronage that is just one step below that of a state church.

Humans are a minority in the Imperium, but not by much. The Imperial dynasty is orcish, but humans are well-represented in the nobility and the upper classes. Humans also provide the Imperial legions with most of its cavalry and mages; orcs make for superb infantry, but have little inherent talent for horsemanship.

The current Emperor has sworn by God and Saint Antonio Margil de Jesús that he will grind the Universal Dominion’s jeweled Throne Of The World underneath his sandaled feet.

Name: Imperium Orci client states and minor allies

General Location: Southern Mexico

Type of Government: Varies

Capital: Varies

Dominant Species: Human

Grand Alliance: Yes

Once the Imperium Orci joined the Grand Alliance, it smoothly shifted from conquering outright southern Mexico to merely dominating it. Most of the remaining independent warlords were happy enough to come to an accommodation with the Imperium; those few that did not were typically swiftly toppled, and replaced with someone with more sense. Their descendants are now mostly kings who largely squabble with each other, to the extent that they think that they can get away with it. Unlike Deseret, the Imperium frowns on violent squabbling, but the Pax Orci provides enough stability and prosperity to permit the dubious luxuries of assassinations, thievery, and general skulduggery.

While the Imperium’s allies and clients have joined it in the War, their contribution is mostly in the form of well-paid specialized units (cavalry and mages). The real value of these states in the war is that they are far from the front lines and can provide reliable war materials, at a reasonable price. And while the client states may readily enough fulfill their obligation to send troops to fight a war somewhere in the frozen North, they are otherwise indifferent to the course of that War.

Name: Kentucky Free State

General Location: Kentucky

Type of Government: Democracy

Capital: Old Louisville

Dominant Species: Human

Grand Alliance: Yes (Core Member)

The Kentucky Free State made a stab at claiming the mantle of the First Republic, but that claim was never taken seriously even inside its borders. It does retain the quirk of being a democracy without an executive: Kentucky’s politics can be perplexing, as traditionally the country is run by the Congressman shouting the loudest during any one particular session. This has not stopped the Free State from expanding eastward to the Atlantic, or generally prospering. The population is still mostly human, but it has always had a noteworthy elvish population and is now attracting increasing numbers of dwarves.

Every politician in the Free State is absolutely committed to two things: destroying the Universal Dominion, and annexing as much land as Kentucky can grab. They are already starting the process of formally taking over Dominion territory.

Name: New California

General Location: Baja

Type of Government: Monarchy

Capital: Cinderella (San Felipe)

Dominant Species: Human

Grand Alliance: No

The ruling class of New California can almost-accurately trace its ancestry directly from the luckiest and strongest of the Southern California refugees fleeing southward away from the chaos of the Discovery, taking over the old Baja states in the process. It is today a enlightened hereditary monarchy with a strong feudal component. The local culture is remarkably archaic, with a fascination for the trappings of the Old Americans that borders on the obsessional.

New California is typically called ‘the Magic Kingdom’ for its strong reliance on mages: the country attracts an increasing number of elves and dwarves interested in ‘unconventional’ forms of magic. The magic-worshiping religion of Agni found its first adherents here; the magical iceberg Mt. Jeannie is Agni’s holiest fane.

New California is officially neutral in the war against the Universal Dominion, but most of its nobility and virtually all of its mages have served at least one hitch in the Grand Alliance.